
5 Views on Interpreting the Book of Revelation

Most churches today teach the Futurist interpretation of the book of Revelation. For most the only question  about eschatology that exists is whether you think the ‘rapture’ is “Pre,” Mid,” or “Post-Tribulation.” Most Christians don’t even realize other interpretations exist, but there are actually 5 different approaches to interpreting the book of … Read More

20 Ways Cults Misread The Bible

Spiritual Research Network | Excerpt from Scripture Twisting Methods of the Cults  See also, Eight Rules of Interpretation (The Basics) 20 Ways Cults Misread The Bible The quoted material below comes from the appendix of Scripture Twisting Methods of the Cults. 1. INACCURATE QUOTATION: A biblical text is referred to but is either not … Read More

What’s In A “Sacred” Name?

I watched the movie “Risen” the other night, which takes the viewer through the death and resurrection of Christ through the eyes of a roman soldier who took part in the crucifixion.  I thought it was a good movie, but something bothered me about it;  They strictly referred to Jesus … Read More

Calvinism or No Calvinism?

Calvinism, perhaps best known for it’s stand on Predestination, is a branch of Protestantism that differs from the Lutherans/Armenians on several points, laid out in what are known as the Five Points of Calvinism. Here is a post from the Reformed Theology website presenting both a Calvinist and non-Calvinist position. Why/Why … Read More

A Modern Exodus

God’s deliverance of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage is the great recurring theme of the Old Testament. Time and again, God’s prophets would remind the Hebrews of this great deliverance. Moses, himself, recounted The Exodus with the children of Israel over and over again. Hear Moses:

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Paul’s Reply to Dispensational Error and Coming Millennial Reign of Christ

“What exactly is Dispensationalism?” Most of us are aware that dispensationalism is a doctrine relating to interpreting prophecy but I, for one, didn’t know until recently just how strongly it has influenced the church during the past 150 years or the powerful role it plays in the New World Order … Read More

MUST WATCH! – Pastor Richard Wurmbrand – Recalls the 14 Years He Spent In A Communist Prison

-MUST WATCH VIDEO BELOW! – THIS IS COMMUNISM – THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS COMMUNISM – Like many Christians, I originally believed that the New World Order was a fulfillment of “End Times Prophecy”. If you’ve watched my video “Chemtrails: A Christian Perspective” You know that’s no longer the case. … Read More

Evolve This!

We’re dealing with a lot of heavy stuff these days. I’m finding that it’s more important than ever to take time to appreciate the awesome creative works of our God. How much greater is the one who thought all this up, much less created it(!), than the one who can … Read More

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