

UPDATED WITH ADDITIONAL INFORMORMATION & LINKS I finally built Tony Pantalleresco’s surge and purge device to demagnetize myself, and learned quite a bit in the process. Here’s a video I put together. I hope it’s informative for all and helpful for those of you who may have found that you’re … Read More

Cosby Freed Amidst Mass Humanocide (Stick a Magnet to Your Forehead and Get the Popcorn!)

They just don’t quit do they? (Pay no attention to that humanicide all around you.) In a classic misdirect, a celebrity sex offender has been freed! Aren’t you outraged?! Shouldn’t something be DONE?! Yes, it should, but rest assured nothing will be done that’s of any consequence. It’s just more … Read More

“Iron Oxides, Mixed With Clay…”

Media is making fun of the people who are suddenly finding themselves magnetized. They just lie about everything, Why do they lie? Because people believe them. Why do people believe them? Because they’ve been conditioned to believe them all their lives, and, frankly, because  it’s easier than facing the truth. … Read More

Cayman Biotech states COVID Vax ingredient (SM-102) is “NOT for HUMAN or VETERINARY use”

From <– (If you are considering getting this shot, please take a moment to follow this link and read about it first) backup link to fact sheet “WHAT ARE THE INGREDIENTS IN THE MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINE? The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine contains the following ingredients: messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), lipids … Read More

VIDEO: The Phoenix, DNA & the JAB Part 3: A Psychadelic Discovery

History records Francis Crick and James Watson as having “Discovered” the Double Helix model of DNA in 1953. But much less publicized is Crick’s use of LSD as a “thinking tool.” I examine some less publicized details about this “inspired discovery” and look at the correlation between hallucinogens and the … Read More

Does COVID Vax Contain HIV Genome?

A reader left a comment on Henry Makow’s article; “2017 Report Says Covid Vaccines are Toxic” reporting that a pharmacologist uncovered 5 patents last year which led him to conclude that the COVID vaccine may contain the HIV genome. (There’s a link to his report below). The reader, “Essel” wrote … Read More

The Phoenix, DNA & the Jab Pt 2 – Symbols & the Double Helix

In part 1 of this series we talked about how the occult uses symbols to represent spiritual ideas / egragores, and we looked in particular at the symbol of the Phoenix. Egragore (also spelled egregor; from French égrégore, from Ancient Greek egrḗgoros ‘wakeful’) is an occult concept representing a distinct … Read More

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