
Ebola Fearmongering

HHA | 10-4-2014 By Jon Rappoport October 4, 2014 Transmission of the virus…this is what everybody is worried about now. Transmission, transmission, transmission, through this route and that route. I have news. Transmission does not automatically equal getting sick. If it did, the entire human race would have been … Read More

Ebolagate: 47 questions and answers

HHA Here’s an interesting perspective on the topic of Ebola. Ebolagate: 47 questions and answers by Jon Rappoport October 3, 2014 I have presented this information, in depth, in other recent articles. Here I present the bare bones. Q: What is the major psychological factor at work here? A: … Read More

What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?

HHA This is a call for an immediate, thorough, and independent investigation of Tulane University researchers (see here and here) and their Fort Detrick associates in the US biowarfare research community, who have been operating in West Africa during the past several years. What exactly have they been doing? Exactly what diagnostic tests have … Read More

Mad Science – Genetically Farmed ‘Micro Humans’ Could Be Farmed For Drug Testing By 2017

HHA | 10/2/2014 Eliminating disease with vaccines is the first step in controlling the fate of human biology. Many of us have already accepted we will ultimately be “chipped” as a matter of economic and medical convenience under State managed health care.  ELIMINATING THE UNFIT THROUGH MEDICAL BIO-ENGINEERING Chemtrails The Exotic Weapon … Read More

Ebola Prevention

HHA There are about 2,500 deaths and 5,000 estimated people infected at this point. To make matters worse the Obama administration is sending 3000 US troops right in the infected zone! Not only does that put our troops lives in danger but also the entire US population when these military men … Read More

Revisiting The Georgia Guidestones

Christian Observer On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the American … Read More

Insight Into The True Purpose Of Chemtrails

(Photo Credit- Steve Quayle) HHA | 9/16/2014 Deaths Coloring Book – (Sky Devils) Visit Steve Quayle By Live Free or Die The amazing photographs below were emailed this morning to Susan Duclos of All News Pipeline by Steve Quayle, who recently took them over his home in Bozeman, Montana, 30 minutes after posting 2 chemtrail/smart dust articles. … Read More

ISIS To Attack On 9/11/2014 – FOX Puts Out Article Then Deletes It From Website (psyche!)

HHA World Truth We all knew it was coming…we just didn’t know what or when. Here is a leak by Fox News saying that ISIS has planned to attack the USA on none other than… 9/11/2014. That day is historical to us all. That day led us to where we standnow. Where will it … Read More

Extreme, Strange Events Have Become Part Of Our Every Day LIfe

More proof that something very strange is happening on earth. We have never seen events of this immensity and frequency. We know that the extreme storms are being caused by geoengineering (chemtrails spraying metal nanoparticles into the atmosphere combined with HAARP and NEXRAD frequencies). With each passing day, things are … Read More

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