
Facebook Threatens to Silence Radically Saved Former Homosexual / Transgender Man

Christian Observer | 7/9/2018

Censorship on the internet is heating up exponentially, and what is being censored serves to tell exactly who is engineering public thought. Just yesterday, David Arthur, author of the book; Refined: Life Through Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and Beyond,received the following note from Facebook regarding his Facebook page:

If you or other admins of this Page continue to post things that don’t comply with the Facebook Community Standards, I belong, Amen Ministries may be permanently unpublished.
If you’d like, you can temporarily unpublish I belong, Amen Ministries while you review your Page’s content. When you’re finished, you’ll be able to republish your Page.
Would you like to unpublish your Page now?

This isn’t the first time Facebook has threatened to silence David. What is he posting that doesn’t comply with Facebook Community Standards? The gospel of Jesus Christ with a powerful personal testimony and message of love and hope to homosexuals and transgenders. Follow the link below to read David’s many powerful message:



Jesus Christ is still radically, supernaturally transforming lives and his gospel is an OFFENSE (does not “comply”) with the powers who are running this world! (Eph 6:12)

“and blessed is the one who is not offended by me.” ‭‭(Luke‬ ‭7:23‬)

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom. 1:16)

From David’s Facebook page:

“David Arthur has a powerful testimony of deliverance from a sexually perverted life, including transgender prostitution.

David was sexually abused from the age of 5. He contracted HIV/AIDS at age fourteen. And by age 37 he was on his deathbed. That was eight years ago.

With his body weakening in a hospital bed, David knew he was headed for hell. He cried out to God in desperation. He didn’t want to die and he didn’t want to go to hell, yet he knew hell was what he deserved. David Arthur hit rock bottom and turned to God. God heard David’s cry.

Jeremiah 29:11-15 says,

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the Lord: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you…”

God not only rescued David from the captivity of his addiction, but freed him from physical & spiritual death. He is healthy and strong, today. Praise God! This is a miracle!

He was so far gone that the doctors sent him home to die. David prayed for weeks, repenting of all his sins – in detail, as he prepared for death.

Then one day David woke up with an incredible peace inside. A peace like he had never experienced. He was free of sin that held him captive! David still believed he was going to die, but he was at peace with himself, because he was forgiven by God. David hoped that through his death others would come to know Christ.

But God surprised David. His bones started getting stronger. Within weeks David no longer used a walker to stand up. Then the doctors told him his diabetes was gone. After that, David stopped most of his medications. And within months AIDS was no longer detectable in his system. He was undetectable. God healed him! It’s a miracle! And now David spends all of his time giving God the glory for his new life. ” source

Please help support David by liking his page: 

David’s videos:

David’s website:

David’s testimony:

I spent 30+ years in the homosexual & transgender world and I’d like to share what GOD has done in my life, because HE can do the same for you, your child, friend, etc…

2 facts,

1. I never knew my father, he committed suicide months before I was born, and

2. I was also molested (recruited) as a child by more than a few men.

I need to make one thing perfectly clear, I was not ‘born that way’, nor did GOD Create me to be that way.

One thing for certain & 2 things for sure,

1. the devil is a liar!

2. It wasn’t until I saw homosexuality as an addiction, that I was truly able to see it as sin, and was able to put it down and walk away.

Verse 27 of Romans 1 says,

“Likewise also the men, leaving the NATURAL use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shamef”

This verse confirms that these acts are not only sinful, but they’re unnatural. Which puts to rest any claim of being “born that way” because The Holy Bible, which is GOD’S Word, has just told us in that very verse that homosexuality is not natural, and that it goes against the natural order of things as GOD Created and intended them to be.

No matter how deep into that sinful life/world you may be, or feel that you are and the devil keeps whispering in your ear that there is just no way out, that this is who you are, don’t believe it!! That is a lie from the pits of hell!! There is a way out! The Truth can & will truly set you Free, and that Truth is JESUS CHRIST. And HE will set you Free!

Out of that “mess” GOD has Created a Message in “i belong, Amen! Ministries”. IBA Ministries seeks only to go out into the world and testify to all who will hear, to tell HIS Truth and to do so ‘in Love’ and out of Love & compassion for the lost.

PLEASE, LIKE & SHARE THIS POST and page so that others can know the Truth of what HE has done in my life. With all that’s going on in the world today, I believe that the Truth needs to be told around every corner.

I am living proof that HIS Truth, in Love, can, and will, make you free!

From my death-bed in 2009, with full blown AIDS, infections in my brain & blood, virus taking over my body, immune system gone, depression, anxiety, PTSD, diabetes, osteoporosis, unable to walk without assistance and laying in a hospital bed for months just waiting to die to the very moment JESUS CHRIST intervened and rescued me from the mucky waters of this world.

Today my HIV is undetectable, no infections, immune system in full force, depression gone, anxiety removed, PTSD is history, diabetes gone, osteoporosis gone! I have been healed and saved, a Living Testimony. Amen!!

Thank you all for reading this post. Please feel free to contact me for more information about IBA Ministries and what we do. Even to set up a meeting for prayer or opportunity to give testimony.

In HIS Mighty Love, David Arthur.


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