The past few days saw the power shut off to nearly a million California homes. The latest update I could find reports that about half of these have been restored,. leaving nearly half a million homes still without power. According to SFGate this morning (Friday, Oct 11)
“THE LATEST: Oct. 11, 7 a.m.: Pacific Gas and Electric Company reported more than half of customers impacted the shut-off in Northern and Central California have had their power restored.
“About 426,000 out of a total 738,000 customers have been restored, including full restoration in Humboldt, Siskiyou and Trinity counties,” PG&E said in a news release. “About 312,000 customers remain without power.”
The 312,000 customers equates to nearly 1 million residents when you consider three people on average per household.”
Are we fully grasping this? Nearly a MILLION homes without electricity – and how many people live in each home? All these people, including SENIORS have no lights, refrigeration, air conditioning, heat, fans, coffee makers, televisions, computers, cell phone chargers, phone service, ability to run in home medical equipment… And why? Was there an earthquake? a Tsunami? A super storm? No, we are to believe that PG&E PLANNED THIS OUTAGE because they were concerned that “high wind” may cause a repeat of the Paradise fire. Their stated reason and the stupid stories the MSM is churning out are so ridiculous and full of holes that I’m at a loss for words anymore with people who believe them. Friends in northern Ca report that there is NO wind, NO reason to support this unprecedented move on the part of the utility company.
So what’s the real agenda? This is SO UNPRECEDENTED, SOMETHING IS DEFINITELY UP. But what? Are they diverting power to muster up an earthquake? Is it terrorism preceding a shift in power? Jamie Lee with A Plane Truth Youtube channel has the best answers I’ve found to date. I encourage you to watch and take notes. Youtube channels are being taken down left & right and Google searches have become so biased it’s becoming hard to find real information.

Spiritually we know that times will get increasingly and exponentially darker until Jesus returns. He said that if those days before His coming were not cut short that no flesh would remain. With today’s technologies it’s easy to see that possibility. Brothers and sisters, there is no outer space. This is alchemy on a whole new level.
Here’s another video showing 5 explosions in California that started fires. My guess is they were created as justification for the power outage.

“…the light of a lamp will shine in you no more, and the voice of bridegroom and bride will be heard in you no more, for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery.” Rev 18:23
We must remember that JESUS HAS CONQUERED and we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS in HIS NAME! Rom 8:31-39
Please join me in praying for the people in California.
God bless you