
Malware Attack

Dear readers,

Christian Observer encountered a serious malware attack yesterday that temporarily installed a redirect onto the site. I received several emails about this and the problem has been fixed by my hosting company. I pray that no one was affected by the confusing malware pop up. In the event of future attacks, please know to never click on anything that looks out of place. 

CO exists strictly a ministry to dispel deception and shine light on the truth. You will never see ads on this site and since being censored by Paypal,I am prevented from featuring a donate button. I don’t like being asked for donations myself so I don’t like asking for them, but keeping up with the attacks has become costly and time consuming. If you find the site to be of value, I humbly ask you to prayerfully consider even a minimal monthly donation to help me keep up this work. Donations can still be made through Paypal (albeit no donate button) . My Paypal account is yvonne @ nightingaledesign . org.

As a result of the malware attacks I have been forced to disable comments but I can be contacted through email at: yvonne @ christianobserver . net.

Thank you, and God bless you!

Yvonne |


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