Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

Persecution Or A Great Awakening – Paul Washer

A powerful and timely message by Paul Washer, (featured in the film, Age Of Deceit 2 ).


“The church in America is going to suffer so terribly. And we laugh now but they will come after us and they will come after our children. They will close the net around us when we are playing soccer mom and soccer dad, while we are arguing over so many little things and mesmerized by so many trinkets, the net even now is closing around you and your children and your grandchildren and it does not cause you to fear.

You will be isolated from society as is already happened. Anyone who tries to run for office who actually believes the Bible will be considered a lunatic until finally we are silenced. We will be called things that we’re not and persecuted not for being followers of Christ but for being radical fundamentalists who do not know the true way of Christ which of course is love and tolerance. You’ll go down as the greatest bigots and haters of mankind in history.

They’ve already come after your children and for most of you they got them. They got them through the public schools and indoctrination and universities and indoctrination… and you wonder why your children come out not serving the Lord. It’s because you fed them, right into the devils mouth.

So little by little the net is closing around and then its not little by little. Look how fast things are going downhill just in a matter of weeks. But at the same time know this. Persecution is always meant for evil, but God always means it for good. And is it not better to suffer in this life to have an extra weight of glory in heaven. You must settle this in your mind. This is the one thing I want to say over and over. Down through history you have a wrong idea of martyrdom and persecution. You think that these men were persecuted and martyred for their sincere faith in Jesus Christ. That was the real reason but no one heard that publicly. They were martyred and they were persecuted as enemies of the state, as bigots, as narrow minded stupid people who had fallen for a rouse and could contribute nothing to society. Your suffering will not be noble. So your mind must be filled with the Word of God when all people persecute you and turn on you. This is no game.

You want revival and awakening but know this, for the most part great awakening have come only proceeding  great national catastrophe and the persecution of the church. I believe God is bringing a great awakening but I believe that he is raising up young men (and women) who are strong and trust in the providence of God to be able to wade through the hell that’s gonna break loose on us. And it will be on us, before we even recognize it. Unless…unless in God’s providence, He is not done. He is not done.“

~Paul Washer

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

2 Timothy 3:1, 12-13


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