UPDATE 2-15-2023
At least one backlash against the criticism of Rihanna’s satanic Half Time performance claims that only “Republicans” think it was satanic. …Wait… what?
Nah, nothing to see here. 🙄
Is it a coincidence that the show features the dancers floating around in what look like “cigar shaped” UFOs the day after cigar shaped UFOs were supposedly shot down over Canada?
UFOs definitely seem to be a theme this year. Even though it seems simple, almost boring at first glance, there’s much occult symbolism in the performance. Like, didn’t Rihanna just have a baby 9 months ago? 🤔 It seems unlikely that she is already this far along in another pregnancy…

In a 2009 article entitled “Rihanna: Queen of Babylon” Rihanna is compared to the fertility goddess, Inanna. And in the song and music video “Run This Town,” Rihanna is depicted as “Queen of the Underground.”
Speaking of fertility goddesses, did you happen to catch Sam Smith’s outfit for the Britt Awards on Feb 11th?
Pretty bizarre. Until you look at this:

So, they’re definitely putting out the symbolism, and if you’re not at least somewhat familiar with their narratives you’ll miss what’s going on. But as Good Fight points out in this video, the effect the singer has on her young fans is much more important than her Super Bowl performance:

Incidentally, Rihanna allegedly telling children in Barbados to “pray to satan” in 2017 has been called “fake news.” The claim is that it was a mistaken onscreen translation. I can’t confirm or deny what she said because I’m unable to find video of her actual comments. (Wouldn’t the easiest way to debunk it be to just post the video)? I dunno. But she’s made it more than clear where her allegiance lies.
From 2017
“The definition of stupidity is doing something over and over again when it isn’t working,” according to Rihanna, who told a group of children that “if Jesus hasn’t answered your prayers, try praying to Satan.”
Rihanna has been honored by the Barbados government who re-named the street she grew up on as a child after her, and speaking at the official ceremony to unveil the newly-named Rihanna Drive in Bridgetown, Barbados on Wednesday she took the opportunity to hand out advice to young Bajan children.
“I know it isn’t easy being born in Bridgetown, Barbados, it’s a struggle and you have to work twice as hard to achieve anything. You have to hustle. I’m still hustling, but I am living proof that you can do anything,” Rihanna told the children in attendance, before adding, “If you came here for tips I can give y’all the biggest one straight off.”
“How many of y’all have prayed to Jesus for years, prayed with all your hearts, and got nothing back from him?” Rihanna asked the audience, comprised mostly of children and early teens. “Hands up. Be honest, it’s OK.“

After a few of the children raised their hands, the Diamonds singer said:
“Jesus doesn’t care about you. Do you really think He even listening? Hot tip y’all, because you are my people. Be efficient, go to Satan,” Rihanna said, before Prime Minister Freundel Stuart hastily changed the topic, and shocked parents intervened and removed their children.
In spite of the light rain, Rihanna seemed in high spirits as she attended the ceremony, smiling and waving to fans as she strolled through the streets of her hometown dripping in expensive jewelry and wearing a luminous yellow dress and huge gold hoops.
Rihanna’s Satanic preaching is merely the latest public dalliance the singer has shared with the dark side. After starting her career as a fresh faced R&B singer, she reinvented her image, embraced dark spirituality, and rode to the top of the pop game while flashing Satanic hand gestures and promoting Illuminati symbolism.
Since establishing herself in the global consciousness as a Devil-worshipping entertainer, Rihanna has attempted to tone down her dark image, however the disturbing remarks she made in Barbados suggest she is far from a reformed character, and she has openly embraced the darkest forces in society.
The incident has also sparked fears around the world that the Illuminati have moved onto the next phase of their masterplan, and have begun using celebrities to openly promote dark spirituality as a viable religious choice for those seeking guidance – and even children.
As always; Be in the Word and Keep Watch! (Matt 25:13)