I’m pleased to introduce a new Youtube channel: Storm Fishers.
Storm Fishers is an online fellowship in which we discuss questions that are on many minds and hearts today, as well as personal testimonies. We explore the issues humbly – no one claiming to have all the answers. It occurred to us that our discussions might be beneficial to other believers. Our hope is that through His living Spirit we can be Christ’s fishers in the storm!
The group includes
Dr. Doug Haugen – Author “Seeing Through The Singularity” Youtube Channel “Dr Deep State”
Yvonne Nachtigal – ChristianObserver.net – Author “Glimpse of Glory“
Marla Petersen – Former Revlon Executive / Researcher
Marie Leong – Noahidelaw.com, Former Web Designer / Researcher
Jamie Roby – Former Actor / Model who was radically saved out of the New Age Movement to a relation with Jesus Christ two years ago
Gregory Sawlor (Not featured in this episode but who will be in the next one.)