
The Trump And Israel Conspiracy

By Chuck Baldwin 

On January 11 of this year, I wrote a column entitled “Collusion With Russia Was Never The Crime.” In the column I wrote:

All of the hoopla over non-existent collusion between Donald Trump and Russia is nothing but political theater. The real crime has been completely covered up by the American media—including the so-called conservative media. In fact, media and political pundits will always cover up virtually any crime committed by this culprit—and they have been doing so since the culprit came into existence.

The real story, of course, is the cover-up of Trump’s collusion with—NOT Russia—but Israel.

The chain of command was clear: Donald Trump to Jared Kushner to General Michael Flynn. All of the brouhaha about collusion with Russia that led to the firing of Flynn was merely a smokescreen to cover up the Trump administration’s collusion with Israel. And Flynn was the fall guy. Israel’s highest-ranking foreign agent (Kushner) continues to guide Trump’s Zionist foreign policy without the slightest impediment.

Israel is America’s sacred cow; it is the third rail of politics. No one dares to criticize it, much less expose its manifold crimes. Israel is also America’s Trojan Horse. Virtually the entire country (with America’s evangelical Christian pastors and churches leading the way) is scared silly to say anything critical of Israel. Fortunately, the hackneyed moniker “anti-Semitic” is fast losing its sting, as more and more people are awakening to the rank evil and criminality committed by the Zionist state—not the least of which are a plethora of Jewish people, including rabbis.

Now, a new report is shedding more light on the Trump and Israel conspiracy. Writing for, Ken Klippenstein reports:

In the fall of 2016, Donald Trump Jr. and other key aides to the future president reportedly met in Trump Tower with Joel Zamel, the founder of a company called Wikistrat.

Wikistrat bills itself as a “crowdsourced” geopolitical analysis firm based in Washington, D.C. But interviews with current and former employees and documents reviewed by The Daily Beast tell a different story: that the vast majority of Wikistrat’s clients were foreign governments; that Wikistrat is, for all intents and purposes, an Israeli firm; and that the company’s work was not just limited to analysis. It also engaged in intelligence collection.

Klippenstein goes on to report:

If Wikistrat was engaged in intelligence collection, an obvious question arises: For whom?

Much of the reporting so far has focused on Wikistrat’s relationship with the United Arab Emirates. For instance, The New York Times recently reported a secretive Trump Tower meeting three months before the 2016 presidential election, between Donald Trump Jr., Zamel, and George Nader, an emissary for the UAE. The meeting drew comparison to the infamous Trump Tower meeting between Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, and a Russian lawyer with ties to the Kremlin.

Zamel is reported to have pitched Trump Jr. on a social-media manipulation strategy to help his father win the election. After Trump was elected, Nader is said to have paid Zamel a large sum of money—as much as $2 million.

In light of the scrutiny of Zamel’s ties to the UAE, it’s natural that news coverage would focus on that country. But Wikistrat may, in fact, have stronger ties to Israel.

Zamel is a citizen of Israel and master’s graduate of IDC Herzliya—a small, elite college that’s often compared to U.S. Ivy League schools—where he studied government, diplomacy, and strategy, specializing in counterterrorism and homeland security.

(The internal documents reviewed by The Daily Beast confirm that Zamel also owned the lion’s share—86 percent—of Wikistrat, with the next biggest shareholder possessing less than 6 percent of the company.)

Though Wikistrat’s website lists its location as Washington, Kadtke said the company was run out of Israel the entire time he worked there.

A former Wikistrat employee confirmed the company was run out of Tel Aviv, with the D.C. office only handling sales and business development, he said.

“He knew a whole lot of people there [in Israel]. One of his connections was the former head of the [Israeli] intelligence directorate, Amos Yadlin.”

In fact, each of Wikistrat’s principals listed Tel Aviv as their address in a 2015 copy of Wikistrat’s Virginia business license.

Former employees say that at the core of Wikistrat’s leadership were three Israelis: Daniel Green, the CTO, Elad Schaffer, formerly the COO and now the CEO, and Zamel, the founder and, until this year, its CEO.

“Those people were very close, and it wasn’t just professional,” one former employee said.

That former employee added, “I had an initial conversation with Joel [Zamel] where I said, ‘One of the issues you’re going to run into, if you want to be focused on [U.S.] government work, you’re going to run into problems every day because of the Israeli connection.’ He said, ‘Well, why is that? They’re amazing allies?’”

“There were many conversations internally [about this]… Israel is one of the top counterintelligence concerns for the U.S.”

One of the internal documents reviewed by The Daily Beast lists a former “major in [an] elite Israeli intelligence-analysis unit,” Shay Hershkovitz, as its chief security officer and director of analytic community. That document also describes Schaffer as a former “counterterrorism officer for Israeli intelligence.”

“Elad was involved in a very elite, select group of individuals performing a very important mission… dealing with the height of the global war on terrorism,” one former employee said. “He did some collaborative work with U.S. special-operations counterparts who were working in the Middle East to deal with threats coming from al Qaeda.”

“Elad kept a very low profile.”

Klippenstein’s report further states:

Robert Mueller’s office is investigating Wikistrat and Zamel, according to The Wall Street Journal, as the special counsel’s probe expands into Middle Eastern governments’ attempts to influence American politics.

See the report here:

Inside The Mysterious Intelligence Firm Now In Mueller’s Sights

Here is a report on Joel Zamel and the Trump/Israeli connection:

Who Is Joel Zamel, The Australian-Israeli Linked To Mueller’s Trump Probe?

Sputnik News also dared to expose “the Israeli connection” that the western media has systematically covered up. The headlines of that report state “Analyst: Trump Team Colluded with Israel, Not Russia, in Flynn-Kislyak Talks.”

If Mueller gets serious about investigating the Trump and Israel conspiracy, “Katy, bar the door!” No wonder Vice President Mike Pence and top Republicans in Congress are clamoring for Mueller to “wrap it [the investigation] up.” The Zionist government in Israel has heavily infiltrated and influenced the U.S. government for decades. It is almost safe to say that the U.S. government is little more than a puppet government of Israel.

Watch this video of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bragging about America being a lap dog for Israel:

YouTube video

Netanyahu Unaware Of The Camera ‘America Can Easily Be Moved’

And no U.S. President has been more manipulated and controlled by the Zionist State of Israel than Donald J. Trump.

If Mueller zeroes in on “the Israeli connection,” Trump is in serious hot water. But don’t hold your breath. Both Republicans and Democrats are neck-deep in collusion with Israel. As much as Democrats hate Donald Trump, they fear the wrath of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Mossad (and their lackeys in the U.S. media) even more. The last U.S. congressman to publicly tell the truth about Israel’s power over the political establishment in Washington, D.C., was Ohio congressman James Traficant (a Democrat, no less)—and look what happened to him. His fellow congressmen trumped up charges of corruption against him, threw him in prison and, after he was released, he died mysteriously in an “accident” on his farm.

Conservatives and liberals may vehemently oppose each other on any number of issues, but they both sing from the same hymnbook when it comes to Israel. If you don’t believe that, just watch conservative Sean Hannity and liberal Chris Matthews tear into Traficant over the congressman’s truth-telling about Israel:

YouTube video

US Congressman: Israel Uses America

In my January 11 column I also said this:

If you don’t believe there is an ongoing national cover-up to protect Zionist Israel, consider this case history:

A foreign naval vessel is lumbering in international waters. It is flying a brand new 8’x5’ flag, which unmistakably identifies it as a major ally of the country whose coastline is nearest the ship. The ship’s markings are ten feet high on both sides. It is not a warship. It is an intelligence-gathering ship. For all intents and purposes, it is defenseless against any warship or attack aircraft, having but four .50-calibre Browning machine guns without shrapnel shields as its only offensive weapons. On board are 286 souls.

Suddenly, and without provocation, the supposed “ally” nation attacks the ship with both warplanes (which were unmarked) and torpedo boats. For over an hour, the helpless ship is riddled with machine-gun fire, rockets, and torpedoes. Within moments, the ship is completely disabled. As it seems certain that the ship will sink, lifeboats are lowered, but the attacking torpedo boats immediately strafe the lifeboats with gunfire. Helicopters from the aggressive country carrying Special Forces troops hover over the ship, which is now listing at nine degrees. Clearly, the attacking country intends that no one survive.

The ship has no engines, no rudder, and no power. As the Special Forces soldiers from the attacking country are being positioned to launch their final assault, the ship’s Captain barks, “Standby to repel boarders.” One sailor yells, “They’ve come to finish us off.”

The only thing that saves that ship and those survivors that day is eight warplanes from a nearby aircraft carrier that had heard the initial “Mayday” cry from the ship. This caused the attacking country to withdraw. As it was, 34 of the ship’s officers and crew are killed and only a divine miracle and superhuman Herculean effort from the sailors in the bowels of that steel graveyard keeps that ship afloat. When the attack first began, one general from the attacking country protested to his commanding officer, saying, “This is pure murder.”

But what the country whose ship was attacked and whose men were killed did is most curious. It did NOTHING. In fact, the government of that country immediately declared that the attack had been a “mistake” and then proceeded to completely cover up what had happened. And to this day, the citizens of that country know almost nothing about what took place on that fateful day.

The attacking country in the above case was Israel. The country attacked was the United States. The date was June 8, 1967. And the name of the ship was the USS Liberty.

Can one imagine what U.S. reaction would have been had the USS Liberty been attacked by an Arab nation? Can you imagine how pastors and Christians would have reacted had the attacking country been Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc.? But since the attacking country was Israel, hardly anyone in the United States even knows (or cares) about it.

Tomorrow (June 8) is the 51st anniversary of Israel’s merciless and unprovoked attack against our country in which 34 U.S. Sailors and Marines were killed. And as I said, almost no one in America knows anything about it.

The attack on the USS Liberty joins the assassinations of President John Kennedy and U. S. Senator Robert Kennedy, the shoot-down of TWA flight 800, the capture of the USS Pueblo, the shoot-down of KAL flight 007 and the 9/11 attacks as one of the most covered up atrocities in U.S. history.

The Zionist influence in Washington, D.C., and especially in the Trump White House is extensive. If the American people truly understood the degree in which a foreign government (Israel) influences (legally and illegally) Congress and the White House (not to mention Wall Street and the Federal Reserve), they would truly throw all of the “bums” out. As it is, Donald Trump is counting on the fact that Robert Mueller is just as compromised by the Israeli lobby as any other politician in Washington, D.C. And he doubtless is.

So, the conservative Trump toadies and the Christian Israel worshippers can probably relax. Nothing is going to come of the Mueller investigation, and the Trump and Israel conspiracy will remain intact.

P.S. I am helping the survivors of the Israeli attack against the USS Liberty distribute the tell-all book they wrote that chronicles the true story of what happened on that fateful day of June 8, 1967. One of these Liberty survivors, Ron Kukal, is a co-author of the book and has become a good friend of mine. I am pleased to help Ron and his shipmates get the word out about their fantastic tell-all book Remember The LIBERTY! I urge readers to get as many copies of this book as they can to pass out to their friends and loved ones.

To show you the depth of this 50-year cover-up of Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty, even the American Legion has denied Liberty survivors a booth at their 2018 national convention. Can you believe that?

And since it would be too much to expect America’s pastors to educate their church congregations about Israel’s horrific attack, due to their strong bias in favor of Israel, you will need to obtain the information and distribute that information to your friends, loved ones and fellow church members yourself.

Find the explosive eyewitness true story of the USS Liberty here:

Remember The LIBERTY!


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