
Worldwide UV Radiation Index Off the Charts

Ultraviolet Light (UV) is radiated light from the Sun. Man-made toxicity through aerosol spraying, (used to control weather [see CHEMTRAILS category on this site for documentation], but the real agenda is much bigger), is turning our atmosphere into a “plasma” which is increasing UV to dangerous levels. We need to protect … Read More

Flat Earth Clock and Park

Notice the multiple eyes of Horus in the park design. Interesting. “For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.” Luke 8:17

2nd Grader Schools his Teacher on Flat Earth!

If a 2nd grader can understand well enough to stump his teacher, why do adults have so much trouble being educated to this massive 500 year lie of a round spinning heliocentric sphere hurtling through time and space… yet never…ever feeling a thing?

Were The Nazis Never Defeated?

Henry Makow Paul Manning, a distinguished MSM journalist, was persecuted for revealing in 1981 that World War Two was a charade. With the cooperation of the Allies, Martin Bormann ensured Germany’s postwar economic rebirth by transferring Nazi wealth abroad . Both he and Hitler probably survived. This is more evidence that, at the top, the Nazis and the Allies were … Read More

In Search of THE CURVE

Dan Dapper in Carlsbad California presents more common sense evidence that we are not living on a globe. Dana Point is about 35 miles north of Carlsbad and Point Loma is 35 miles south, depending where you are at in Carlsbad. I was in the middle or very close. Each … Read More

Responding to Atheist Propaganda

Ken Ham | Answers In Genesis Christians need to understand that many secularists have put together a very effective propaganda machine as a part of their effort to impose their atheistic religion on the Western culture, intimidate Christians, and influence the government to limit freedom of religion (particularly in regard to … Read More

The Normalising Of Autism | The Toxins That Threaten Our Brains

“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” – Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (1953) … Read More

Judy Wood in Toronto 9-11-2016

September 11th, 2016 | Conspiracy Culture & Strange Planet Productions present WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11 featuring Dr. Judy Wood. Introduced by Richard Syrett of the Conspiracy Show, event on the 15th anniversary of 9-11 Video of full presentation, Q&A and book signing … Read More

9-11 Perpetrators Used Directed Energy Weapon

Dr. Judy Wood Proves that We Only Saw What We Were Told to SeeThe controversy over who did 9-11 obscures a more important fact. 9-11 was the first demonstration of a mysterious free-energy technology that, used constructively, could change the destiny of mankind. The buildings did not collapse or explode. Millions of tons of concrete and steel literally … Read More

Kushners Belong to Jewish Supremacist Doomsday Cult

 (Jared & Ivanka visit the Chabad Rebbe for a pre-election blessing Nov. 5, 2016) Henry Makow Is Trump’s Jared Kushner connection to the Chabad Lubavitch sect the cause for his dramatic U-turn? The sect is deliberately fomenting a prophesied Third World War. It believes Jews are God’s chosen people and everyone else is trash.  In … Read More

Rotating Earth Orbiting the Sun is Pseudo-Scientific Foundation of Kabbala-based Cosmology

The Concept of a Rotating Earth Orbiting the Sun Is Both the Pseudo-Scientific Foundation and The Achilles Heel of Modern Kabbala-based Cosmology by Marshall Hall | Fair Education Foundation Could the Kabbalist Cosmological Paradigm of a 15 billion year old universe with all its layered assumptions have been brought to … Read More

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