
The Toxic Payload in Vaccines

  The problem I see with this is that many of those opposing vaccines are also known to be disinformationists or “puppets” of the so called “Illuminati.” The powers-that-be are strategically and effectively exposing themselves. Yes, vaccines are poisonous and harmful. Yes we should defend ourselves against them as there … Read More

Murder By Injection – Vaccines: Eustace Mullins

Eustace Mullins (1923-2010), discusses one of his best-selling books; ‘Murder by Injection’ exposing the unholy dynasty of the big drug companies, the medical establishment, the Rockefeller syndicate and the evils of the cut-slash-and-burn cancer racket that has killed millions in the name of ‘fighting cancer.’ While there are many books … Read More

FBI Director Says He Covers His Webcam — And That You Should Too

Activist Post | By Josie Wales FBI Director James Comey spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington earlier this week to discuss the importance of cybersecurity. During the discussion, Assistant Attorney General John Carlin asked Comey if he still had his webcam covered with tape, a question referencing previous statements … Read More

ROBOBEES Are Being Built To Pollinate Crops Instead Of Real Bees

I was wondering how they were planning to deal with the poisoning of our precious honeybees… ! Business Insider Honeybees, which pollinate nearly  one-third of the food we eat , have been dying at unprecedented rates because of a mysterious phenomenon known as  colony collapse disorder (CCD). The situation is so dire that in late … Read More

Stop The Sexual Indoctrination of My Child! Canadian Father in a Legal Battle Against Sex Curriculum

Our children are being indoctrinated under the guise of “sex education.” Unbelievably, the sex education curriculum in Ontario was designed by a pedophile who is currently in jail. One father is taking action. Please share this article to help raise support for this battle. Everyday For Life Canada by Lou Iacobelli Hamilton … Read More

Monsanto “Crimes Against Humanity” Tribunal Officially Begins October 14th In Hague Netherlands

The crimes are being exposed and a world court is necessary to hold these evil men accountable. Yet another step toward global governance by necessity? By Bernie Suarez As many readers know, we are living in an era of blatant evil, disregard for humanity, illegal wars, manufactured terrorism, broad corruption without … Read More

American Funhouse: Manufacturing Consent

I’m honestly not sure of the right approach to the current election drama. From what I know, I’m inclined to believe that the criminals in power control the votes and will put whoever they want into office, and that no matter who gets in, things are only going to go the … Read More

OBAMA: America Must Surrender Sovereignty, Embrace One World Government

Blacklisted News | Kurt Nimmo Earlier this week Barack Obama delivered his final United Nations speech. In addition to praising the bankster loan shark operations run out of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, Obama called for “global integration,” code for a one-world government. “I believe that at … Read More

Quantum Mysticism Goes to Market

This is the conclusion of a 9 part series on Herescope, examining the teachings of popular “end times” prophecy teachers. Herescope COSMS, CODES, AND CRYPTOLOGIES,  ConclusionIt becomes a slippery spiritual slope when pagan myths are believed to be informants of biblical truth. Subjects like those being raised by the Horns … Read More

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