Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield


After a full week of snow dust, we in Michigan were left with approximately 16 inches of snow or seemingly snow on the ground.  Yesterday, January 9<sup>th</sup>, we awakened to very blue sky, a beautiful relief from the white sky/white air/white ground.  By noon, however, the planes were back in … Read More

David Lehman on Divine Creation

The following is a transcript which I made myself from a debate between  “Christians and Athiests” which appears on Youtube . While the debate itself was somewhat of a disappointment, as the atheists seemed more interested in appearing witty and in ridiculing the Christians than in actual debating. They were sadly lacking basic data to support their arguments. (You can watch for yourself and see if you agree, the link is at the bottom of the article). But I feel that David Lehman’s presentation is excellent and that he had valuable information and statistics.  So I went through the trouble to make a transcript. I did my best to look up a couple terms that I didn’t understand. Words in question, I put in italic.

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The “L” Word

As a parent with a window into a daughter’s evolving relationship with a young man, they have me thinking about the “L” word, love. Whereas I am predominantly right-brained, the two of them are predominantly lefties; both scientific, reason- and logic-based thinkers, and both highly intelligent, rational people. However, she, much like her mother, is also a reactive woman; thus, she is also somewhat right-brained and well-acquainted with her reliable emotions as well as her logic (even should she deny this).

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What is impossible with men is possible with God. Luke 18:27

Just about all of us have been hurt at one point or another by someone else. It’s easy to fall into bitterness and resentment that could last the rest of our lives.  But as difficult as it is to forgive and move forward it must take place in our hearts. Alexander Pope said “To err is human but to forgive is divine. What seems impossible in the act of forgiveness does come from the dependence and obedience to God almighty because he is the author of forgiveness.

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