Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

Near Death Experiences & The Spirit of Our Age | Dr Deep State

Last week I was invited to talk with my dear friend Dr. Doug Haugen, aka Dr Deep State, about my near death experience and how it opened my eyes to the literal darkness that works behind the scenes in this world, which resulted in the launch this website and my … Read More

Here Am I

The onslaught of fear, lies and faithless reports of 2020 would have us forget that the Lord our God is GOD! How essential it is to take a break from the bad news on social media and surround ourselves with that TRUTH every day! REAL TRUTH GOD’s TRUTH HIS WORD … Read More

Critical Theory: The Dismantling of Western Society

“Cities are burning to the ground. Small businesses are being destroyed. People are being fired for posting the “wrong opinion” online. How did we get here?” – Andrew Torba Ultimately we know that the spiritual answer to the question is “evil”, but what means were employed to cause our … Read More

Pandemic, Rockefeller Scenarios, Protests, & Our Response

I keep hearing people say “It’s getting crazy out there!” and I have to agree. I should make a list of all the viewpoints about the lockdown that are floating around. Here are a few just off the top of my head. Did they manufacture the virus? (Probably.) Is it … Read More

Simple Trust

Probably like most of you, each morning lately I open my eyes to the peace and normalcy of my room, the familiar pictures on my walls. I note the weather outside my window and smile at my little dog happily wagging her tail because mom is awake… All is in … Read More

Bitterness: the root

With all the holiday get-togethers and their trappings, this is sure timely! By C.A. Patin Makes complete sense when you think about it. When you are bitter, it will lead you to a bad place fast. That’s why it’s called the ROOT of bitterness. It is like a seed that … Read More

What Does it Mean to be Blessed?

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal | Sept 6, 2019 It’s common to hear people saying they’ve been “blessed” by some good fortune in the natural like a new house, job, promotion, or even little things like finding a parking space close to the store. We tend to feel “blessed” when things … Read More


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