
Chemtrail Truthers Unite, a call to arms…

HHA | 9/16/2014 Here is an update after the widespread response to Dr Toran’s post “They Are Killing Us With Chemtrails In Switzerland“. (BIN) Dear friends and chemtrail truthers around the world, my name is Dr Alev Toran and I am a Swiss chiropractor and author of the post, “They are killing … Read More

US “Has Gone Totally Insane”

HHA Most Americans have become “Zombified” and oblivious to the current state of war against the citizens of the U.S., and all citizens in the West as a confluence of preplanned events begin to accelerate to an orchestrated, life changing end of the lifestyles and freedoms to which we’ve become … Read More

Extreme, Strange Events Have Become Part Of Our Every Day LIfe

More proof that something very strange is happening on earth. We have never seen events of this immensity and frequency. We know that the extreme storms are being caused by geoengineering (chemtrails spraying metal nanoparticles into the atmosphere combined with HAARP and NEXRAD frequencies). With each passing day, things are … Read More


Dutchsinse 9/03/14 Above: Hurricane Norbert (Category 1) currently near the Southern tip of Baja Mexico, heading North towards Southern California , September 3 2014 2pm CDT An end to the Southern California drought in sight? Hurricane Norbert (currently going into Category 1 hurricane status) is heading up the Western coast of … Read More

The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order Agenda 21

  We are constantly inundated with poisons forced on us through GMO foods, pharmaceuticals, fluoridated water supply, microwave radiation, and chemtrails. Many buy into the whole global warming/population control agenda because they have been force-fed this garbage their whole lives and are no longer capable of critical thinking. For those … Read More

‘Severe’ drought covers nearly 99.8% of California, report says

LA Times 8/20/2014 Drought conditions may have leveled off across California, but nearly 100% of the state remains in the third-harshest category for dryness, according to the latest measurements. For the past two weeks, California’s drought picture has remained the same, halting a steady march toward worse. But the breather … Read More

Weather Modification And The U.S. Military – Dr Sandra Perlingieri!

©Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri | Tats Revolution Photos: John Graf August 21, 2013 This article is dedicated to the courageous people around our planet who have spoken out and written about these crimes. In the ultimate sacrifice, some have given their lives to report the TRUTH. “There’s a war going … Read More

Climate Change Is Being Caused By Electromagnetic Technology – Commercial Application Confirms Military Agenda

Harold Saive | Chemtrails Planet | June 25, 2014 Aquiess, Inc. uses powerful electromagnetic (EM) transmissions (radio waves) to “benevolently” steer huge reservoirs of atmospheric waters to force gentle rain in arid regions. But this same technology in the hands of a globalist military authority can be applied as a weapon for … Read More


by MANESH SHRESTHA AND HARMEET SINGH | CNN | AUGUST 18, 2014 Dozens of people have been killed in flooding in northern and eastern India, while the death toll in Nepal has passed 100, government officials in the two countries told CNN. At least 56 people have died in flooding and rain-related incidents in … Read More

World Wide Flash Floods

   The current word wide flash flooding is unparalleled. Below are some videos I found of only late July and August. This is the result of massive climate manipulation by HAARP/chemtrails/geoengineering, which the government continues to deny in spite of blatant evidence to the contrary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUGUST 15, 2014 MICHAEL JANITCH LEAVE … Read More

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