
The Truth About The Germ Theory

The exposure of more fraudulent “science”. What would you think if a reputable molecular biologist claimed there is no measles virus? German scientist Dr. Stefan Lanka made such a claim and said he would award 100,000 Euros to any scientist who would successfully prove otherwise. GreenMedInfo At first it appeared … Read More

The Impacts of Vaccines: Aluminum, Autoimmunity, Autism & Alzheimer’s

The important article below focuses mainly on aluminum in vaccines, but aluminum in high quantities is also what’s being found in rain samples. More information about the detriment of heavy metals from “geoengineering” as well as vaccines can be found here. If Donald Trump is against vaccines because of autism, why … Read More

Hope For Autism! Detoxing Mercury, Aluminum, other Heavy Metals

There is hope for children with autism and ADD as well as for adults who suffer from heavy metal toxicity. Here is some information about detoxing heavy metals. In this video, Craniosacral therapist, Karen Thomas’ shares her personal story of helping her child recover from autism. You can read more on her … Read More

How CDC Uses False Fears to Promote Vaccine Uptake

By Dr. Mercola Five years ago, political lobbyist Jack Abramoff shocked the nation when, in a 60-Minute Report, he revealed just how corrupt the U.S. political system really is. As it turns out, it’s actually worse than most critical outsiders could have imagined. Now, the downfall of yet another high-powered … Read More

What’s In Those Vaccines?

Robert Kennedy Jr and Robert DeNiro’s recent public call for “open and honest” discussion about vaccine safety has brought some long overdue scrutiny to the industry. Still, it’s confusing to sort through all the information. Are any vaccines safe? If so, which ones? Are any vaccines beneficial? What about those awful … Read More

The Toxic Payload in Vaccines

  The problem I see with this is that many of those opposing vaccines are also known to be disinformationists or “puppets” of the so called “Illuminati.” The powers-that-be are strategically and effectively exposing themselves. Yes, vaccines are poisonous and harmful. Yes we should defend ourselves against them as there … Read More

Murder By Injection – Vaccines: Eustace Mullins

Eustace Mullins (1923-2010), discusses one of his best-selling books; ‘Murder by Injection’ exposing the unholy dynasty of the big drug companies, the medical establishment, the Rockefeller syndicate and the evils of the cut-slash-and-burn cancer racket that has killed millions in the name of ‘fighting cancer.’ While there are many books … Read More

SB 277 Fight – We Are Winning. Increase the Pressure…

How do I know we are winning?  Easy? Reactions to our efforts are getting more strident.  Near panic reigns… Bolem Report | Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Current Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) leadership is in desperation mode, running from the crumbling precipice, probably from being notified by their Big … Read More

Another Fast-Track “Solution” To Zika Psyop Almost Ready As Big Pharma Prepares For Profit$

By Bernie Suarez The long established entirely benign Zika virus turned suddenly deadly by Western mainstream media in 2015 has been morphing in its alleged characteristics at ISIS-like speeds. The virus suddenly was claimed to cause microcephaly in Brazil in 2015. And when that was debunked by doctors in Brazilwho exposed the … Read More

Mass Mind Control – Technologies That Control Human Behavior – Government Scientist Reveals

HHA | Yvonne Nachtigal Can the government control (and read) your mind directly, causing physical symptoms such as headaches, the inability to concentrate or even cancer? From the extreme, deliberate creation of multiple programmed personalities, to the individual targeting, intimidation, and elimination of citizens who dare to think critically, there … Read More

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