
Jonathan Cahn’s Paradigm

According to the writings of occult leaders, Kabbalah Initiation must occur worldwide before their “Moshiach”/messiah can return. That is Jonathan Cahn’s “assignment”:  to initiate Christians into Kabbalah… Christian Observer | YNightingale Best Selling author and head of the largest Messianic congregation in America, Jonathan Cahn is influencing the theology, eschatology and … Read More

Kabbalistic Seeds of Astrophysics, Evolution, and Quantum Theory

Christian Observer | Reposted / Updated from Sept 4, 2016 The relation between Kabbalah and theoretical science, boldly being stated by renowned physicist Michio Kaku among others, ought to have us critically examining the many things we have come to accept as “science“. Given the countless ways Kabbalah has infiltrated society and determined our worldview. … Read More

Protocols 12-15: Freemasonry Serves the Elders

Henry Makow The goyim enter the lodges in the hope of getting a nibble from the public pie…These tigers in appearance have the souls of sheep and the wind blows freely through their heads.” Protocol 15 The Protocols of Zion portray Freemasons as being under the thumb of the Jews. … Read More

Christian War Fever

By Chuck Baldwin  | July 13, 2017 Some time ago, Laurence Vance published a compilation of excerpts from the famed British Baptist pastor, Charles Spurgeon, on the subject of the proper Christian attitude regarding war and peace. These sermon excerpts are as germane to Americans today as they were to the citizens … Read More

David Icke Debunked

For footnotes and free downloads go to This is 2.5 hour film from Chris White takes a very close look at David Icke’s history and beliefs. It reveals the true sources of David Icke’s theories which are often shocking , and should be very concerning for a genuine seeker … Read More

Judaism: Satanism, Sorcery & Black Magic

The Sacred Names for God (and Jesus), Bible Codes, the Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM)… Christians, for the most part are unaware that the source of these and many other teachings originate in the Zohar (Kabbalah). For example, the Zohar is what Jonathan Cahn is teaching from in this video: Yet, Jonathan Cahn (Con) … Read More

Was the Polish Holocaust Also a Hoax?

The losses from WWII were much more far-reaching than what’s been emblazoned upon the minds of the public. Poles, Russians, Germans, Croatians, Chinese, countless millions lost their lives. My grandfather was one of the German pastors who died, in his case of tuberculosis contracted in jail after being arrested for criticizing … Read More

Blending Occult Science With Christianity

In this 2012 article, Gaylene Goodroad examines some of the problems with popular “End Times Prophecy Teachers” (ETPT) methods, pointing out their ties to the occult. What’s interesting to me is that the same ETPT are purporting Judaized Christianity (Dispensationalism/Hebrew Roots/Sabbath Keeping/Sacred Name including the mystical Fallen Angel narrative. It seems … Read More

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