
Why Christians Should Have NOTHING To Do With “Q”

Some basic background on “Q” According to the Guardian, a user named “Q” started posting messages on the dark web in October 2017. Q is believed by followers to be a person with top secret clearance working in the nation’s energy department. “Q” is a reference to QAnon, a group … Read More

Pandemic, Rockefeller Scenarios, Protests, & Our Response

I keep hearing people say “It’s getting crazy out there!” and I have to agree. I should make a list of all the viewpoints about the lockdown that are floating around. Here are a few just off the top of my head. Did they manufacture the virus? (Probably.) Is it … Read More

Who Is Pope Francis – Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Argentina’s “Dirty War”

Michel Chossudovsky offers some background on Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis). This is an older article, but continues to be relevant. Global Research | Prof Michel Chossudovsky This article was first published in March 2013 following the election by the Vatican Conclave of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. In the course … Read More

The Mandela Effect: Lion or Wolf?

“What if I told you everything you know is a lie?” … everything, including the fact that Morpheus never actually said that in “The Matrix”. This is an example of the Mandela Effect. But what is that? “The Mandela effect is an observed phenomenon in which a large segment of … Read More

COVID-19 / Coronavirus: A Contagion Of Fear

(^Note the predictive programming in the movie Contagion^.) By Chuck Baldwin March 19, 2020 Does anyone remember these words: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”? Those words are from President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s First Inaugural Address delivered on March 4, 1933. These words were spoken at … Read More

March Madness War on Citizens – March 17 2020

Churches are closing all over the country because of a fake “pandemic” Where is discernment? Aircrap I Post you decide – Coronavirus – Figures Show There is NO Pandemic – CDC Funding Cuts – (CDC unleashed this phony virus to stay in business) – DARPA Injectable Gels – Health Food Store … Read More

Here we go! Coronavirus Destruction to Bring a More “Righteous and Just” World Under Noahide Laws!

Here we go folks. This says it all. Here are their aspirations for this world to be destroyed and replaced by a more “Righteous and Just” world under NOAHIDE LAWS. From today’s Israel365 newsletter: “Chapter 24 [Isaiah] begins four chapters which describe the total destruction of the earth, for it … Read More

Tetragrammaton (YHWH) Revisited: About the “Sacred Names” of God

UPDATE: 8/7/20 – The use of sacred names for God (Yahweh, Yahashua…) has become so prevalent that I’ve actually been accused of heresy for looking into the origins of the Tetragrammaton. But the more I looked into it, the more strongly I became convicted about this and I am standing … Read More

Time To Put Americans Back In Charge Of America

By Chuck Baldwin February 20, 2020 Members of the “right” and “alt-right” love to use terms such as “the establishment,” “Deep State,” “globalists,” etc., in describing freedom’s political enemies. And, yes, I often use those terms too. For the sake of brevity, I will refer to the above as simply “the … Read More

What’s Wrong With Christian Zionism? – A Simple Summary

Here’s a brief and simple summary of what’s wrong with Christian Zionism. By Brandee Gorsline Dispensationalism and the Christian Zionists it has created is possibly the biggest and mostly widely spread deception facing Christians today. (thanks to the Scofield bible). I don’t know of a single church that hasn’t fallen … Read More

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