

Only a few days ago, dramatic video footage has been published on Youtube (see screen capture above) in which a commercial airliner is being filmed from behind, in close proximity…and quite clearly we see stuff spraying out of the airliner. Clearly, we can see the spray turning off and on. Someone, somewhere (most likely at a military installation) is flipping a switch.

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Military Behind Up To Four Different Chemtrail Programs

Just what exactly are those mysterious airplane vapor trails seen filling America’s skies? A group of independent investigators may have the answer.In a series of high-tech programs that would enthrall the most dedicated science fiction fans, the military is producing what have become known as “chemtrails” — the thick, viscous airplane engine trails that have been poisoning the air and ground with toxic chemicals.

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DNA Results For The Nephilim Skulls In Peru Are In And The Results Are Absolutely Shocking

How can we explain elongated skulls that are thousands of years old that contain genetic material “unknown in any human, primate or animal known so far”? For months, many of us have been eagerly awaiting the results of the first DNA tests to ever be performed on the famous Paracas skulls. The results for one of the skulls are now in, and the scientist that did the testing is declaring that this skull represents a “new human-like creature” unlike anything that has ever been discovered before. So are these actually Nephilim skulls?

The Truth
By Michael Snyder, on February 10th, 2014

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Passive Democide: Drought and Starvation

Killing off large segments of populations is normal government business, and with so many historical examples it is not difficult to understand how poisoning and starvation have accomplished genocides and democide throughout history.  On small scales, people are starved and dehydrated in jails and dungeons, poisoned by snakes, diseases, and fancy, deadly concoctions, and water wells have been poisoned throughout human history; all of which effective murder and often performed without culpability.  In fact, hundreds of millions of people have been murdered by starvation, dehydration and poisoning.  It’s a government thing.

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The Poisoning, Bankruptcy and Poverty of Geoengineering

Geoengineering, also known as chemtrailing, is the cause of climate change.  The artificial changing of the climate has been a hard sell to the public; so hard, in fact, that it was easier to convince the public that they were the cause of climate change than to convince them that governments or corporations purposefully altered weather for pre-determined reasons.

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Geoengineering, Ubiquity, Discontinuity and Sphinx Like Riddles

Geoengineering. “It,” has affected the “all.” How can something be ubiquitous – everywhere – all around us and within us – and simultaneously, nowhere, nonexistent, and invisible?  How can something be a completely new “discovery” – apart from the established and broadly recognized known world – something outside of shared … Read More

Melatonin and Cancer

Do you know that there is a connection between Melatonin production and cancer?

Melatonin works to mop up free radicals upon cell division and is one of the most important hormones in the body. It is made in the brain by the pineal gland. Apparently, the pineal gland only makes melatonin when it perceives that there is no light. Hence, melatonin is produced only at night. Researchers are finding that the brain can’t tell the difference between light and electric frequencies. Hence, the link between EMF waves of all kinds (Smart Meters are highest in radiation), and cancer statistics being dramatically on the rise.

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Subterranean Secrets Revealed

North portal, Cheyenne Mountain “Not only is our government focused on building deep secret cities, but so are Illuminati families.” by Fritz Springmeier. The beautiful artwork in ancient Spanish caves, or the catacombs in Rome remind us that man has always had an underground presence. During the 1990’s, my research … Read More


After a full week of snow dust, we in Michigan were left with approximately 16 inches of snow or seemingly snow on the ground.  Yesterday, January 9<sup>th</sup>, we awakened to very blue sky, a beautiful relief from the white sky/white air/white ground.  By noon, however, the planes were back in … Read More

Conspiracy To Tell The Truth

The reality is that there is an immense propaganda machine at work causing people to believe a certain way. Sound conspiratorial? Well, here’s a news flash: Conspiracies are real. It is a little-known though well-documented fact that the origin of the campaign to ridicule research into conspiracies was initiated by … Read More

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