
Strange Trumpet Sounds Debunked 2015

This is a video refuting some of the claims of “strange sounds” being heard around the world. Most of them are hoaxes, some of them are genuine but easily explained. I used some clips from this video:… Rapture Video… Last Trumpet Study:… My Website Original Video … Read More

America’s Founding Document Outmoded – Says Liberal Academic

AIM | May 28, 2015 Top Vatican adviser Jeffrey Sachs says that when Pope Francis visits the United States in September, he will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights embodied in the Declaration of Independence. Sachs, a special advisor to the United Nations and director of the Earth Institute … Read More

Blood Moon & Shemitah Theories and Other Distractions

(UPDATED 9/17/2015) A Different Gospel There continues to be a steady increase in the intrigue and popularity of the Hebrew Roots Movement, and as such, I continue to post articles addressing it. The more I read about this movement, the more clear it becomes to me that this is “a … Read More

5/29/2015 — 5.1M earthquake strikes North California near Mount Shasta Volcano — DIRECTLY at Trinity Lake Dam | Dutchsinse

  The Northern California earthquake directly followed an even larger 6.8M which struck just minutes before off the coast of Alaska. The Alaska earthquake was just a few hours after a large unexpected volcanic blast from a volcano in South Japan.  The Japan blast, the Alaska earthquake, and this California earthquake … Read More

Weather Warfare in Texas EPA Waterways NATO Deeply Concerned By Russias Nuclear Threats

Washington (AFP) – Russia’s provocative rhetoric and its dramatic expansion of flights by nuclear bombers are deeply troubling and dangerous, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Wednesday. Russia’s plans to deploy nuclear-capable missiles in Kaliningrad — near Poland’s border — and its threat to move nuclear forces in Crimea would … Read More

Pope Francis Calls on Chinese Catholics’ to Pledge Allegiance with Vatican

By Komfie Manalo | The Gospel Herald Pope Francis lifts up the chalice as he leads a vigil mass during Easter celebrations at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican April 19, 2014. REUTERS/ALESSANDRO BIANCHI Pope Francis on Wednesday called on Chinese Catholics to remain their allegiance to Vatican and to stay with … Read More

Leading Islamic Voice Calls For Reconquering Jerusalem, Appears In Hologram (Giving Life To The Image Of The Beast?)

WND Turkish President Erdogan makes eerie presence at party convention 2014 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on his countrymen to refocus on the Ottoman goal of re-conquering Jerusalem for Islam and uniting Shia and Sunni tribes for that same mission. In a speech that got almost no coverage … Read More

The Trouble With the Truth Movement

Ever wonder why the first “truthers” – like Fritz Springmeier and Bill Cooper – ended up in prison or dead, but today, David Icke, Freeman Fry and every third person on Facebook is urging people to “wake up” about the same things and we’re pretty much left alone? There are … Read More


When I saw some recent headlines over at Charisma News like, Keeping the Shemitah Produces Supernatural Results, and, Why Jonathan Cahn’s Prophetic ‘Mystery of Shemitah’ Is Flying off the Shelves, I thought, “what is Shemitah, and why is Jonathan Cahn writing a new book about it?”  It wasn’t until this morning that … Read More

In Honor Of Memorial Day

  In Honor of Memorial Day I am posting War Is a Racket by Major General Smedley Butler, raised a Quaker, then became the highest ranking General in the Marine Corp and most awarded, at the time when he wrote this.  War Is A Racket | by Smedley Darlington Butler Smedley Darlington … Read More

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