
Things That Make You Ask Questions…

The Marshall Report | Dianne Marshall Whatever it is…flat, round, square, fishbowl, or pyramid….man’s quest for truth of the shape of the earth and what is in it, on it, under it, above and around it, can create much controversy. Was it a big bang?  Did God create it? Is it orbiting … Read More

The Truth About The Germ Theory

The exposure of more fraudulent “science”. What would you think if a reputable molecular biologist claimed there is no measles virus? German scientist Dr. Stefan Lanka made such a claim and said he would award 100,000 Euros to any scientist who would successfully prove otherwise. GreenMedInfo At first it appeared … Read More

Solar Eclipse Hoax

Don’t ever look at the sun and never look at an eclipse! The sun’s light is very harmful but haven’t we been told that the sun reflects off of the moon? Why is it okay to look at the moon then? In this video you will see that the entire … Read More

Flat Earth Timeline

Of all the arguments against NASA’s globe earth model, I want a (rational, non-double-speak) explanation for this one: Question: What is considered “low earth orbit”? Answer according to NASA: 999 – 1,200 miles / 160 – 2,000 Kilometers Question: How far away is the moon? Answer according to NASA:  237,000 miles … Read More

The Globe Earth Lie(?)

About a year ago my friend Dan Dapper encouraged me to look into the flat earth theory. I did some reading, watched a few videos and found the subject compelling but I thought it might be a “red herring” argument. I didn’t see what the big deal about the shape … Read More

Climate Change Comes Out of the Closet As Previously Cancelled Climate Change Conference Convenes

HHA | Yvonne Nachtigal | Feb 18, 2017 We’re continually told, by the UN and every mainstream news outlet that the ‘climate change’ (which we are assured is “settled science”) is the result of man’s horrendous effect on the environment. But at a news conference in Brussels last week , the executive … Read More

Earth Orbits? Moon Landings? A Fraud!

A Plane Truth Copyright 1980 Robert J. Schadewald Reprinted from Science Digest, July 1980 “The facts are simple,” says Charles K. Johnson, president of the International Flat Earth Research Society. “The earth is flat.” As you stand in his front yard, it is hard to argue the point. From among … Read More

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