Revivals Conclusion Pt 3: Subversion | From the Revivalists to Modern Times – A Summary

Resurrected Right Before Funeral…(!?) Dead Ebola Patients


The New Dawn Liberia:
Two Ebola patients, who died of the virus in separate communities in Nimba County have reportedly resurrected in the county. The victims, both females, believed to be in their 60s and 40s respectively, died of the Ebola virus recently in Hope Village Community and the Catholic Community in Ganta, Nimba.

But to the amazement of residents and onlookers on Monday, the deceased reportedly regained life in total disbelief.  The NewDawn Nimba County correspondent said the late Dorris Quoi of Hope Village Community and the second victim only identified as Ma Kebeh, said to be in her late 60s, were about to be taken for burial when they resurrected.

Ma Kebeh had reportedly been in door for two nights without food and medication before her alleged death. Nimba County has had bazaar news of Ebola cases with a native doctor from the county, who claimed that he could cure infected victims, dying of the virus himself last week.

News of the resurrection of the two victims has reportedly created panic in residents of Hope Village Community and Ganta at large, with some citizens describing Dorris Quoi as a ghost, who shouldn’t live among them. Since the Ebola outbreak in Nimba County, this is the first incident of dead victims resurrecting.

Soldiers Train To Shoot Zombies During Ebola Emergency

YouTube video


 | September 24, 2014


“And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.” Revelation 9:6

The world around us is turning dark, and is preparing itself for what the prophet Jeremiah in the bible calls the “time of Jacob’s trouble”, otherwise known as the Great Tribulationfrom Matthew 24. After the Rapture of the Church takes place, those left behind will indeed deal with many horrific things, including dealing with the undead zombies in Revelation 9. But you don’t have to experience any of that mess if you will click here and get prepared.

Whatever you do, don’t be left behind.

Zombie Preparedness Month?

To make sure Kansas takes the zombie apocalypse seriously, Brownback plans to officially declare October “Zombie Preparedness Month” during a ceremonial event Friday at the Kansas Statehouse.


Our government is sending us a message that’s slightly veiled in humor but 100% serious

Zombie Preparedness Month, however, is not actually about planning a defense for viral reincarnate flesh eaters. Instead, Brownback’s administration wants to capitalize on pop culture’s zombie obsession to raise awareness about disaster planning and response.

State officials say the preparations needed for a fictional zombie attack are a good exercise for the natural disasters that could actually hit Kansas in the near future. The agency is calling on Kansans to devise a survival plan that they could implement in the unlikely event that a horde of zombies descends upon the Sunflower State. Five of the best entries will be highlighted during “Zombie Preparedness Day” on Oct. 25, an event that will take place in Topeka.

“If you’re equipped to handle the zombie apocalypse, then you’re prepared for tornadoes, severe storms, fire, and any other natural disaster Kansas usually faces,” said Devan Tucking, a Human Services Officer with the Kansas Division of Emergency Management.

Why Is Kansas Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse?

And Kansas isn’t the only place preparing for the arrival of the living dead. In Virginia, Northern Virginia Community College is planning an event Thursday where zombie look-alikes will swarm the campus sharing tips with students about how to plan for disaster.

  • “If you’re equipped to handle the zombie apocalypse, then you’re prepared for tornadoes”
  • Are zombies the answer to natural disaster preparedness?

September 24, 2014 Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback wants his state to be ready when zombies arrive.

And to make sure Kansas takes the zombie apocalypse seriously, Brownback plans to officially declare October “Zombie Preparedness Month” during a ceremonial event Friday at the Kansas Statehouse.

Zombie Preparedness Month, however, is not actually about planning a defense for viral reincarnate flesh eaters. Instead, Brownback’s administration wants to capitalize on pop culture’s zombie obsession to raise awareness about disaster planning and response.

State officials say the preparations needed for a fictional zombie attack are a good exercise for the natural disasters that could actually hit Kansas in the near future. The agency is calling on Kansans to devise a survival plan that they could implement in the unlikely event that a horde of zombies descends upon the Sunflower State. Five of the best entries will be highlighted during “Zombie Preparedness Day” on Oct. 25, an event that will take place in Topeka.

“If you’re equipped to handle the zombie apocalypse, then you’re prepared for tornadoes, severe storms, fire, and any other natural disaster Kansas usually faces,” said Devan Tucking, a Human Services Officer with the Kansas Division of Emergency Management.


 Vine Of Life

Zombies are modern-day, fictional character portrayed in many books, films, and television shows.  They are imaginary dead corpses that have been reanimated to act as though they are alive while continuing the natural process of decay. Starting with movies in 1968, the zombie craze came to life here in America.

However, the walking dead is not merely a 20th-century idea. People who practice Voodoo have long believed in zombies. Furthermore, mythologies and legends are full of stories of the dead returning to life.

With stories and folklore such as these it is no wonder fears are being raised about the deadly virus Ebola and its possible link to a “zombie type apocalypse”. Furthermore, these fears have increased with the new announcement of a Liberia News Report that claims two Ebola patients have died and mysteriously resurrected. Here is the latest on the report…

YouTube video

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