
FALLEN ANGEL SERIES PT 1: From Chemtrails to Fallen Angels

The fallen angel/human hybrid interpretation of Genesis 6 has become so prevalent that it’s unpopular to challenge it. Yet it is the core of much error today, from Christians being initiated into Kabbalah to believing the Nephilim are returning. The teaching also supports the idea of DNA modification being pushed … Read More

Cosby Freed Amidst Mass Humanocide (Stick a Magnet to Your Forehead and Get the Popcorn!)

They just don’t quit do they? (Pay no attention to that humanicide all around you.) In a classic misdirect, a celebrity sex offender has been freed! Aren’t you outraged?! Shouldn’t something be DONE?! Yes, it should, but rest assured nothing will be done that’s of any consequence. It’s just more … Read More

“Iron Oxides, Mixed With Clay…”

Media is making fun of the people who are suddenly finding themselves magnetized. They just lie about everything, Why do they lie? Because people believe them. Why do people believe them? Because they’ve been conditioned to believe them all their lives, and, frankly, because  it’s easier than facing the truth. … Read More

Cayman Biotech states COVID Vax ingredient (SM-102) is “NOT for HUMAN or VETERINARY use”

From <– (If you are considering getting this shot, please take a moment to follow this link and read about it first) backup link to fact sheet “WHAT ARE THE INGREDIENTS IN THE MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINE? The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine contains the following ingredients: messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), lipids … Read More

Agenda 2[00]1: A Beast Odyssey…

 I highly recommend the book quoted in this video: “The World and its god” by Phillip Mauro.  Video links: Philip Mauro – ‘The World and its god” BILL COOPER EXPLAINS THE TRUE MEANING OF STANLEY KUBRICK’S “2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY”​ What is the ‘Great Reset’? – Davos … Read More

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