Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

The FEAR of Climate Change and One World Government

YouTube video

Published on Jan 25, 2015

The REAL reason for chemtrails (induced contrails)…

1772 It may be thought that a real history of the weather modification began in 1772 when the
Bavarian Academy of Sciences declared a prize for any successful way to change weather
according to a human need.…

1872 Air and Rain the Beginnings of Climatology…

1905 electrical manipulation of weather

1906 J.J.Thomson conduction of electricity through gases (air)…

1914 Rain Maker

1925 Electrical means to dispell fog and create rain

1930… planes rainmaking with powdered CO2 (Dry ice)…

1945 Outline for Weather and Climate control…

1946 UN Protocol of Privileges and Immunity(protection for climate scientists?)…

1940-50’s weather modification development…

1952 UK MET office kill 35 innocents in the dead of night Operation Cumulus.…

1958 Lyndon Johnson “whoever controls space will control the weather” 1958..…

1959 Eyes In Outer Space – Science Factual presentation weather control.…

1961 JFK addresses UN –… control

1962 Speech on mind control of the masses and scientific dictatorship.…

1962 Operation Pop Eye Vietnam weather warfare…

1965 Weather and Climate Modification…

1967 Law investigation into weather modification…

1967 126 nations working on weather control, Moscow and Washington working together.…

1970 Brezinski’s book “Between Two Ages”…

1972 (784 page) report on weather modification…

1978 ENMOD Treaty to stop weather warfare.

1984 US4653690 * Nov 5, 1984 Mar 31, 1987 The United States Of America As Represented By The Secretary Of The Navy Method of producing cumulus clouds

1987 Altering a region of the atmosphere
creation of artificial ionised clouds

1996 Owning the weather 2025…

1999 1999 EU concern HAARP affects climate…there are many ionospheric heaters around the world…

2010 Inadvertent weather modification…

2013 UN/WMO 42 nations full time weather modification programs…


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