Revival Series On Youtube!

The Men and Women Fighting Chemtrails

My video “Chemtrails a Christian Perspective” is featured on the DVD, The Men and Women fighting CHEMTRAILS. I was blessed with the opportunity to present a Christian Perspective of the worldwide crime that is still invisible to most people due to media propaganda and conditioning.

*Interesting side note, in another example of Youtube’s blatant censoring of information, my statcounter shows that the video has been accessed multiple times daily since its creation, but the hit counter on Youtube continues to stay around 2000.

Please pray for Greg and MaryLou. (video below)


Kathleen Fitzgerald Taking a very important DVD, The Men and Women fighting CHEMTRAILS International Edition to The Skamania County Sheriff, Dave Brown. FaceBook

Buy DVD here

Lost Arts Radio Geo-engineering Protest At Weather Channel HQ – Aired January 2015



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