
John MacArthur on Dispensationalism and The Blood of Jesus

The chief problem with dispensationalism is that it requires two plans of salvation, adding to the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Still, I was surprised to hear John McArthur’s comments about the blood of Jesus. WhoIsIsrael In certain circles, John MacArthur is revered as an “evangelical” icon. Listen to MacArthur’s … Read More

Revivals Pt 19: The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt4: Secret Societies: The Earthly Power of Heathendom

Without a correct interpretation of the book of Revelation, we’ve been kept unaware of the Secret Societies now exposed behind the scenes of politics, economics and religion. If we’d been aware, they would never have been able to infiltrate the church. But infiltrate they have, and twisting the meaning of … Read More

Revivals Pt 18: The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt3: Islam in the Bible(?)

We’ve been looking at the history of the “enlightenment thought” that the Revivalists were all so determined to seed into Protestantism. Knowing these thoughts originated in the antiquities of Aristotle, Plato and the like, I wondered how this occult worldview had suddenly re-emerged – right alongside the Reformation. Many of … Read More

Revivals Pt 10: The Pagan “Virus”

With all the talk of a “New Variant,” I can’t help but see the spiritual principles behind this “Coronation” of evil taking over the world. I’ve been reading a book I found online by Scottish historian of religion and Presbyterian minister James Aitken Wylie (1808 – 1890) called The History … Read More

Is the Bible an Idol? / God’s Word, The Mandela Effect & Kabbalah

Someone told me several months ago that the Bible was an “idol” and we should only be led along by “Holy Spirit” (minus the grammatical article; “the” … This casual use of a proper pronoun always smacks to me of the sacred name movement. Jesus never referred to the third … Read More

The Power of a Book

“Writings and addresses on prophecy always excite interest, because they appeal to the element of curiosity which is prominent in human nature. But such writings and addresses are of benefit only so far as they rightly interpret the Scripture. In the case of unfulfilled prophecy this is oftentimes a matter … Read More

The Convoy, Engineered Social Divisions & The Church

Updated 2/8/22 Downplayed by the MSM and celebrated by millions opposed to medical tyranny, the Canadian trucker’s Convoy is making a clear statement to government officials: The people have had enough! But the question is, will authorities be swayed or has this been part of their plan from the beginning? … Read More

Serpents Everywhere Part 3: Antarctic Melting, “Doomsday Glacier” & Doorways to an Occult Worldview

In Antarctica: A Closed System and a Very Deep Rabbit Hole, Paul Zietsman argues that the purpose of geoengineering is to delay the melting of the lake of fire (which he believes is located under West Antarctica) until the Fallen Angels can find a way “to deal with God.” He … Read More

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