
Behind Secret Societies by Walter Veith – Flat Earth Research

Links to download the Study Guide for this lecture.…… Much has been written on secret societies and there are numerous speculations as to which powers control them. The nature of secrecy is such that the real power behind the power should remain exactly that-Secret. In this lecture, … Read More

Free Electricity! Tesla’s Secret

Comment by Anti NWO on Youtube: In laymen terms, this inventor has produced what is called an “Earth Battery” and I strongly encourage everyone to investigate/research Earth Batteries right after seeing this video, its free electricity and was used to power the telegraphs in the United States in the 1800s … Read More

Mexico: Mass Immigration Will Not Solve World Poverty

From April 2018 The elite are leading us to believe that mass immigration will help these people. It will not. Chaos Erupts As “Caravan” Of Illegals Scales US Border Fence, Cheering “Gracias Mexico” Scores of migrants gathered at the U.S. border began scaling the San Diego “wall” while shouting “Gracias, … Read More

The Fraudulent Khazar Claim to Palestine

By Henry Makow | September 21, 2018 The Khazars bought the “Jewish” franchise in the 8th Century. They needed to distinguish themselves from their neighbors who were Christians and Muslims. As John Beaty shows in his book, Iron Curtain over America, the NWO is very much a recrudescence of the old Khazar … Read More

He Blew It!

By Chuck Baldwin  September 20, 2018 As the attacks on 9/11 have been brought back to the forefront of my attention via the 17th anniversary of those attacks, it behooves me to not leave the subject without further observations. By now, any thinking person has had plenty of time to … Read More

The Facts About Chemtrails

You’ll find many of these facts elsewhere on this site, but this article by Stallings presents a comprehensive introductory overview. Phillip Stallings Chemtrails and geo-engineering are a controversial issue which has become known to some as a conspiracy theory. In fact, chemtrails are not a “theory” at all. We have … Read More

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