
The New World Order: Merely a Forerunner

CO As the dark powers behind the scenes of governments and the social engineering of the public are revealed, the various truth “movements” are bringing mixed messages and disinformation. It’s fair to say that most things found on the internet about the New World Order (NWO) are comprised of half-truths, … Read More

Syria: Bogus Chemical Attack and the Real Agenda

Not surprisingly, the “Gas attack” in Syria has been shown to be a hoax. #BREAKING 11-year-old #Syrian boy Hassan Diab who was shown in the video on the alleged chemical attack in #Douma Reveals that everything was staged by the #WhiteHelmets BBC LIES Exposed On #DoumaGasMassacre #DoumaProvocation — Nardeep … Read More

Creation Calls

MUST WATCH!! An inspiring reminder of the might and mercy of God!  Rom 1:20 Music by Brian Doerksen, beautifully set to video by Dan Thomas. Edited by permission. Enjoy! “We need to stop trying and start trusting.”–Adrian Rogers (1931-2005) Dan Thomas gave permission to edit, so thanks go out to him!

HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare

GlobalResearch This carefully documented article on Weather Warfare was first published by Global Research on August 1, 2010. Some small edits have been made. The CBC, History Channel and documentaries quoted in the article can now be viewed. “It isn’t just conspiracy theorists who are concerned about HAARP. The European … Read More

Brian Mullin’s First Video

I really wish I knew what happened to Brian Mullin. Here is the first of his many brilliant videos. We have been so inconceivably lied to. “I am the way the TRUTH and the life. No man comes to the father but through me.” Jesus – Jn 14:6

Syrian Envoy to UN says Trump Bombing of Syria Sends Message to Terrorists | Video Footage of Bombings

CO Apr 14, 2018 Reuters reports that 105 missiles were launched against Syria overnight in retaliation of the Syrian government use of chemical weapons against its own people. The first videos of the  bombings are coming out on Twitter (below.) But the official story just doesn’t make any sense. Why … Read More

Alexa Discloses Chemtrails

UPDATE: Amazon has reprogramed all Amazon Echo’s to lie about Chemtrails (again), now say they are just condensation trails or ‘contrails.’ More confusion and chaos to create more fear.   ORIGINAL POST: Videos have been circulating recently about the AI Alexa’s eerie response when asked, “Alexa, What is a chemtrail?” What … Read More

Coming soon to the United States? Police interrogate mum-of-four for tweets critical of trans teen surgery

Christian Institute | Apr 3, 2018 A stay-at-home mum of four was interrogated by the police for referring to ‘male to female’ trans surgery as castration on Twitter. Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull was reported to the police in July 2017 by Susie Green, the CEO of transgender charity Mermaids, who took her … Read More

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