
Donald Trump Says The Earth Is Flat

This was sent to me today. I hadn’t seen it before. Apparently, the president elect is a flat earther, as reported by CNN? Clearly, there are some questions about Trump: And while this will definitely bring some respect to the globe deniers, I can’t help but wonder where the narrative is planning on taking … Read More

Strange New HAARP Pulses: Is Geoengineering The Judgment Of God?

HHA | Yvonne Nachtigal (Revised 1-4-17)  I’ve been watching HAARP activity for years but I haven’t seen anything quite like this. Who knows what they’re up to now. For more information about exactly how HAARP works in conjuction with chemtrails, visit my HAARP category and page. But should we consider the results of whatever … Read More

Dwayne Kellum Flat Earth Experiments

HHA | Yvonne Nachtigal Dwayne Kellum conducts his own experiments with balloons to prove that the earth is not a spinning ball. I think you’ll agree that the simplicity of his videos makes them all the more compelling. The Flat Earth Theory There’s disinformation galore on this topic. On one hand we’ve … Read More

Tainted Vision

We know that, since it’s introduction, television has been used as a “predictive programming” tool to steer society into a desired direction. This documentary from the Invading the Castle of the Dragon series explores: Where did drama originate? Is subliminal messaging something real, or just a conspiracy theory? Is there … Read More

Counterfeit CUREncy

With so many methods of healing available today, have you ever wondered which one to choose? Are some of them counterfeits for the true Bill of Health? This documentary will educate and inform you about several of the most popular methods of healing today. You may enjoy a trip through … Read More

Pharmakeia The Sorcerer’s Wand

Volume 1 of the “Invading the Castle of the Dragon” series explores some of the subtle and dangerous connections between the modern ‘system of the Caduceus’ and the history and origin of ancient sorcery. This documentary will challenge your comfort zone and open your understanding to the dangers lurking within … Read More

Yes Virginia, There is a Masonic Jewish Conspiracy

  (Above, Even Santa conceals something sinister) Recently, I was thinking back to the days when we would go Christmas caroling with other families from church. Maybe you remember too. Another excellent article by Henry Makow. For the record, I believe that it is part of the cabal’s agenda to expose the … Read More


12-23-2016 *Here is another excellent article from last year that I’m reposting in light of the recent Berlin attack. Conspiracy School | David Livingstone |11/16/2015 The problem with the world today is not a monopolization of the truth by the mainstream media. All the information necessary to expose the ugly truths … Read More

Unto Us – A Savior!

In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered.  This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to be registered, each to his own town.  And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, … Read More

How To Spot A False Flag Event

Rather than post about the recent attack in Berlin, (plenty of others have done so already, I just looked,) I’m just going to run a couple of articles about false flag events again. I don’t ever want to be insensitive about the people who are affected by these events, because in many … Read More

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