
The New Manhatten Project’s Biological Impacts

Activist Post | By Peter A. Kirby “Living things are adapted to the weather that actually prevails, and any change in that weather will be generally deleterious to them.” – from “Weather and Climate Modification” by the National Science Foundation, 1965 When airplanes routinely dump megatons of toxic garbage into our atmosphere … Read More

NDE’s – Can They Be Relied Upon for Spiritual Truth?

Yvonne Nachtigal | Christian Observer  Books about near death experiences (NDE’s) as well as their spin off movies and television interviews are enjoying much popularity. This seems like an innocuous enough trend, but it is actually one that should be held to much more scrutiny than it is receiving. While … Read More

What A Waste! (Encore!)

I posted this article back in July when it was first written, but someone just sent it to me again today and I felt it bears repeating. Chuck really says it all and he says it very well here! By Chuck Baldwin | | July 30, 2015 There is NO DOUBT … Read More

The Source of Church Apathy (in search of)

  Lately my ongoing search for answers to the question of apathy in the church toward the advancement of the New World Order and all it’s associated poisonings, mind control, sciences, false spiritual teachings, etc, has continually led me to events that took place in the 19th century. Initially I … Read More

The Pope Wants You to Pray for a One World Religion

This is the closest you are going to get to a commercial for the one world religion they want to enact. PS – here’s the original Pope vid: Funny they want to bring the world together to “have a discussion” but they’ve closed comments for the video. *Note: In regard to … Read More

Peer Reviewed Scientific Evidence Exposes Chemtrail As Crime Against Humanity

Revised 1/4/15 – 9:00pm – I had the pleasure of speaking with Marvin J Herndon, the author of the document in question. He directed me to this document in which two small errors have been corrected. Marvin explained to me that these errors were so minuscule that they would have simply … Read More


(Facebook post below contains test results of Suzanne Maher’s dog) In Loving Memory of Belle On December 11th, 2015, my husband and I lost our beautiful little ten year old chow chow, Belle. We had found out only 10 days earlier that she had carcinoma. My dogs are fed with … Read More

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