
Chemtrails: A Christian Perspective

UPDATE* August 2, 2018 In addition to apathy, as I conclude in the video, the dispensational/premillennial interpretation of prophecy was created to gain christian support of the physical state of British Israel and condone the terrorist activities and race hatred of Zionism. Ultimately this will lead to an embracing of … Read More

The New Covenant And The Sabbath / Hebrew Roots Movement & Seventh Day Adventism

If you prefer to read rather than watch a video, here is a link to the pdf.   Get this video in book form at Amazon:… This film is a detailed study of the bible about the concept of the Sabbath. As the Sabbath cannot be full understood without a good … Read More

What A Waste! (Encore!)

I posted this article back in July when it was first written, but someone just sent it to me again today and I felt it bears repeating. Chuck really says it all and he says it very well here! By Chuck Baldwin | | July 30, 2015 There is NO DOUBT … Read More

My Rant To The Truth Movement – Chris White

“This is my rant to the Truth ,patriot, freedom, liberty, movement. to the 911 truthers and the 2012ers. To the followers of Michael Tsarion, Jordan maxwell, Alan Watt, David Icke, Zacheria Sitchin, Eric Von Daniken, Acharya S, David Wilcock and the others I missed. To the wiccans, Luciferians, Satanists and … Read More

Exposed: Sacred Name/Hebrew Roots/Messianic Movement

“I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.” Gal 2:21 I have several things posted about the Sacred Name/Hebrew Roots/Messianic Movement and its’ leaders because this is one of the greatest deceptions in the church today, and it is growing in … Read More


  Grief over the loss of a loved one is often given as the reason that people lose their faith or do not believe in God. Their anger at the God who “took away” their loved one makes it impossible to believe, because they simply cannot conceive of such a … Read More

Finding the Secret Place of God

by Gregg Fetter (This is a fictional account using modern end time events as a backdrop for teaching the Secret Place of God.) I live in a remote location away from a major city. For years I’ve prepared my family for a world event I knew would change our lives.  Well— … Read More

Where the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory Came From and Why You Shouldn’t Believe It

  This is a good article examining the history behind the pre-tribulation rapture teaching as well as how the mystery religions operate. I want to add a note caution on the author’s paragraph about the Day of the Lord being the Feast of Trumpets. While I believe that the feast … Read More

What is Salvation and Why is It Needed?

Bible Made Simple (1st article in the Salvation Series) Has anyone ever asked you if you are “saved”?  It’s the kind of term that makes you want to turn around and RUN! That’s because it’s perceived as a term of indoctrination— you’re thinking, “Saved from what?” and “Whose rules am I … Read More

What It Means to Believe in Jesus

(3rd article in the Salvation Series)  Bible Made Simple Over the last two articles I’ve been discussing the process of salvation.  (What Is Salvation and Why Is It Needed?  Also,The Importance of Repentance in the Process of Salvation). Because many confuse this subject, I want to use this article to … Read More

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