
UN Comes Clean Admits Vaccine Death And Damage Cover Up

Aircrap Leaked Video! Head U.N. Scientist Admits Vaccines Are Killing People – Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist of the WHO, admitting in a secret meeting that vaccines kill people…. “I don’t think we can overemphasize the fact we really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries and … Read More

New Vaccination Information Card

The vaccination bullying has gotten out of hand. We need to step up awareness and help unsuspecting parents protect their children. This information card was put together by a good friend of mine. Feel free to download, print and share.

Religious Freedom is Under Attack by Drug Companies

Must watch. Please share. During WWII in Nazi Germany, the gestapo went door to door to give citizens their vaccines. Why don’t we hear about that? All 3 of Laura Hayes children suffered injuries from their “routine” childhood vaccinations, one to the point of being permanently disabled and dependent on … Read More


We can’t turn on the news anymore without hearing about the measles outbreak and consequences of this “deadly” virus. Let’s look at some of the lies and hidden facts about this Measles thing. Are Measles deadly? As “deadly” as the news is making the measles out to be, those of … Read More

Careful of that FEAR! Forced Vaccinations in NY have a Deeper Agenda

Mayor Bill de Blasio just declared a public health emergency in parts of Williamsburg, NY and said that ALL unvaccinated people, 6 months or older, will be required to get an MMR vaccine. (This mandate covers people who live in the ZIP codes of in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood, where more than 250 people have … Read More

VAXXED – Full Length Documentary & Full Uncut Interviews

From August 2016. UPDATED March 7, 2019 So, look at the nifty new educational banner Youtube put under the full length movie “Vaxxed!” Youtube moves ahead in it’s restriction of free speech to “help” the poor GMO/EMF/aluminum damaged / media brainwashed public who is no longer incapable of critical thought, to … Read More

Study Reveals Glyphosate in Vaccines | Anthony Samsel

Scientists Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff have published their 5th peer reviewed paper on Glyphosate, named named: “Glyphosate pathways to modern diseases V: Amino acid analogue of glycine in diverse proteins”. Tony Mitra interviewed Anthony Samsel about the newly emerging scientific findings on Glyphosate and how it can and does … Read More

It’s The Russians Again! This Time They’re Spreading “Fake News” About Vaccines!

CO The desperate flailing of mainstream-media continues as they forge ahead with their “fake news, blame the Russians” narrative. According to the Washington Post, Express UK and BBC, the Russians are ‘risking death!’ and “spreading DANGEROUS child vaccine LIES on social media!” The main stream propagandists are alleging that RUSSIAN … Read More

The 9 most SHOCKING vaccine ingredients of 2018

(Natural News) The year is 2018, and it would be nice to brag about science and medicine having come “so far,” but that’s impossible in regards to vaccines when they’re used to make humans sick and dysfunctional, especially newborn babies, infants and children. The theory of vaccines is legitimate, and … Read More

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