
Benjamin Freedman: Americans Haven’t Been Free for a Long Time

Above, Benjamin H. Freedman, 82, center, receiving an award in 1972. Benjamin Freedman (1890-1984) was a Jewish insider who warned the goyim that, since 1912, the US has been a pawn in the Zionist Conspiracy for world domination (i.e. world government.)    In WW1, Zionists betrayed Germany who offered a generous … Read More

Transhumanism – The New Alchemy

Herescope  THE RESURRECTION OF ANCIENT ALCHEMY  Since Satan’s great fall, man too has attempted to become like God Most High. Down through the centuries rebellious men have stiffened their necks in defiance to the Creator and have devised various methods and religious pathways in vain attempts to morph themselves into … Read More

Murder By Injection – Vaccines: Eustace Mullins

Eustace Mullins (1923-2010), discusses one of his best-selling books; ‘Murder by Injection’ exposing the unholy dynasty of the big drug companies, the medical establishment, the Rockefeller syndicate and the evils of the cut-slash-and-burn cancer racket that has killed millions in the name of ‘fighting cancer.’ While there are many books … Read More

Quantum Mysticism Goes to Market

This is the conclusion of a 9 part series on Herescope, examining the teachings of popular “end times” prophecy teachers. Herescope COSMS, CODES, AND CRYPTOLOGIES,  ConclusionIt becomes a slippery spiritual slope when pagan myths are believed to be informants of biblical truth. Subjects like those being raised by the Horns … Read More

The Dangers of Centering / Contemplative Prayer and Mind Control

Truthspeakers Weblog | 9/16/2016 IHOP (International House of Prayer) Promotes Centering / Contemplative Prayer I recently had an email exchange with a friend of mine who is into the signs and wonders movement. She told me she was reading 5 books on how to interpret dreams. When I wrote back and … Read More

Messianic Jews Have Resurrected Deadly Galatianism

Certainly one of the biggest controversies in New Testament Christianity centered around the necessity of Gentiles being circumcised for salvation. Along with that unholy concept went the belief that the Jewish holy daysand Sabbaths as well as the dietary laws were to be observed, as in Moses’ day. This not only became the subject of the Jerusalem church council … Read More

TOGETHER 2016: Unbiblical Unity on the National Mall

Herescope “…a reset clears past errors and gets the system working…” “…we have downloaded the wrong files, corrupted the system…” ~Nick Hall, The goal of Together 2016:   NAR leader Lou Engle quote taken from the By Gaylene Goodroad 7-16-16 Washington Mall Event to “Reset Christianity” Millions of evangelical leaders, … Read More

How the “Quantum Christ” (God is in everything) is Transforming the World . . . and Entering the Church

From the Lightouse | Warren B. Smith The New Age/New Spirituality is already heralding quantum physics as a “scientific” basis for their contention that God is not only transcendent but also immanent—“in” everyone and everything. Physicist Fritjof Capra’s 1975 best-selling book on quantum physics—The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of … Read More

Kabbalistic Seeds of Astrophysics, Evolution, and Quantum Theory

I’ve been looking into the relation between Kabbalah and theoretical science for the final section of my Fallen Angel Human Hybrid Myth series, specifically the topic of Transhumanism. It’s astonishing how deep this goes into many things being presented to us today as “science.” I hope you’ll take some time to … Read More

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