
What If There Is NO “7 Year Tribulation?” And Does It Matter?

In consideration of the arrival of 2024, and while I’m working on a piece about Millennialism’s role in Social Justice, I thought it would be timely to repost two older articles from my friend Cheryl Devine Tuumalo’s Facebook page: This one about the 7-year tribulation, and the other containing some … Read More

In The Beginning Was The Word | The Resurrection of the Hebrew Language and Suppression of the Truth

By Petra Fels & Yvonne Nachtigal The Word of God is living and active. It means life and relationship, based on love. Language transports spirit/thoughts and creates community. That’s why it is also used or abused by the adversary for his purposes and instrumentally used as a weapon for division, … Read More

Is the Bible an Idol? / God’s Word, The Mandela Effect & Kabbalah

Someone told me several months ago that the Bible was an “idol” and we should only be led along by “Holy Spirit” (minus the grammatical article; “the” … This casual use of a proper pronoun always smacks to me of the sacred name movement. Jesus never referred to the third … Read More

VIDEO: Counterfeit Kingdom | Usurping the Unveiling

=== PDF Books by Philip Mauro: Things Which Must Soon Come To Pass  The Seventy Weeks and the Great Tribulation What is the Millennium of Revelation 20? === The Book of Eli: “Snake” – The 77s “All in God’s Hands” – Sweet Comfort Band  “Aquarius” – 5th Dimension

The Power of a Book

“Writings and addresses on prophecy always excite interest, because they appeal to the element of curiosity which is prominent in human nature. But such writings and addresses are of benefit only so far as they rightly interpret the Scripture. In the case of unfulfilled prophecy this is oftentimes a matter … Read More

Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) and Its Targets aka More Fairy Tales In The Sky

“Planetary defense -NASA shows first image of collision target Dimorphos; It wasn’t just the initial collision threat posed by the asteroid Apophis that made it clear how little humanity could currently do against the impact of a chunk of space. It was time to build planetary defenses. With “Dart” (Double … Read More

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead… Or Not | In Case You Haven’t Read Enough About The Georgia Guidestones

Amazing. Within a few short days the entire world knows about CERN and the Georgia Guidestones. Wikipedia was a little too quick in getting the news up, an,d as Joachim Bartoll points out, there are simply too many things pointing to this being a planned event. While everyone is celebrating … Read More

Christian Energy Healing?

I touched on this in my recent video about space, technology & the occult, but I want to address “energy healing” specifically, since there’s a rising interest in it among Christians. Alternate history is an increasingly popular topic of study in the “truth” community recently. It’s interesting to be sure. … Read More

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