
In Search of THE CURVE

Dan Dapper in Carlsbad California presents more common sense evidence that we are not living on a globe. Dana Point is about 35 miles north of Carlsbad and Point Loma is 35 miles south, depending where you are at in Carlsbad. I was in the middle or very close. Each … Read More

Responding to Atheist Propaganda

Ken Ham | Answers In Genesis Christians need to understand that many secularists have put together a very effective propaganda machine as a part of their effort to impose their atheistic religion on the Western culture, intimidate Christians, and influence the government to limit freedom of religion (particularly in regard to … Read More

Rotating Earth Orbiting the Sun is Pseudo-Scientific Foundation of Kabbala-based Cosmology

The Concept of a Rotating Earth Orbiting the Sun Is Both the Pseudo-Scientific Foundation and The Achilles Heel of Modern Kabbala-based Cosmology by Marshall Hall | Fair Education Foundation Could the Kabbalist Cosmological Paradigm of a 15 billion year old universe with all its layered assumptions have been brought to … Read More

Bible-bashing “Big Bang Creation Scenario” Is Just a Competing Religious Concept from the Kabbala

Will Christians et al Fight Back When They Realize That The Bible-bashing “Big Bang Creation Scenario” Is Just a Competing Religious Concept from the Kabbala Brought To Pass By A Theoretical Science Establishment?  by Marshall Hall | Fair Education Foundation The metaphysical Kabbala is the chicken; modern Big Bang Cosmology … Read More

Flat Earth Overview; 50 Points

Plane Truth “The struggle, so violent in the early days of science, between the views of Ptolemy and Copernicus would then be quite meaningless. Either coordinate system could be used with equal justification. The two sentences, ‘the sun is at rest and the earth moves,’ or ‘the sun moves and the earth … Read More

The Reasons Why We Can’t Put Down Our Smartphones

Forbes | David DiSalvo The long-running news program 60 Minutes is taking on the smartphone industry by uncovering the ways mobile app makers keep people hooked. Former Google exec Tristan Harris, interviewed for the episode, argues that we’ve been fooled into believing the “technology is neutral” argument. Instead, he says that software makers have mastered a … Read More

Destroying Gravity – By Richard

This is excellent. A lot of time was put into this. Here’s a link to the blog it was originally posted on: The aim of this post is to invalidate the modern Theory of Gravity, by analyzing and scientifically scrutinizing pertinent facts related to one of the biggest lies ever sold. Recap … Read More

The Sun is not 93,000,000 miles away

From this video, it would appear that the sun is not 93,000,000 miles away. And the moon is not  238,900. Crazy stuff. “And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars.” Gen 1:16 People will treat you … Read More

Alchemy, the Process that turns Men into Political Christs and Gods

…and Transhumanism; “The Abomination that Causes Desolation” Mk 13:14, is their ultimate goal… We are in, as Renette says, “the end of the end of days”. Visit Renette’s site for full article with numerous references and links. Secret Societies Control the Rise and Fall of Empires – Part 8 by Renette Vermeulen … Read More

1931 Scientist Who Saw The Plane Disc Professor Auguste A. Piccard

Here’s the link to the August 1931 edition of Popular Science:  Some interesting scriptures: Ezekiel 1:22 – “Over (“al“) the heads of the living creatures there was the likeness of an expanse, shining like awe-inspiring crystal, spread out above their heads.” ESV Rev 15:2 – “And I saw something like … Read More

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