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“The nation that first learns to plot the paths of air masses accurately and learns to control the time and place of precipitation will dominate the globe.” – General George Kenney addressing MIT’s graduating class of 1947
There is overwhelming evidence indicating the existence of a global weather modification project currently resulting in the chemtrails so often seen in today’s skies. This evidence may be reviewed in the author’s comprehensive exposé Chemtrails Exposed: A new Manhattan Project.
Evidence presented in Chemtrails Exposed the book suggests that this global weather modification project came out of the World War 2-era Manhattan Project. Both are and were enormous, top-secret military science projects. Both are problems for the physical sciences. Famous Manhattan Project scientists have compared the power of atomic bombs to the power of storms countless times. Many eminent scientists who worked as part of the original Manhattan Project later went on to do work in weather modification and the atmospheric sciences. Men like: Edward Teller, Ross Gunn, Donald Hornig, Vannevar Bush, Bill Nierenberg, and John von Neumann are all known to have gone on to do serious work in weather modification and the atmospheric sciences. Geoengineers today are on record in Congressional testimony calling for a new Manhattan Project that involves spraying us with stuff.
This article is the product of a lengthy investigation into WWII-era Big Science, the original Manhattan Project, the MIT Rad Lab, and much more. In this article, we will see how the military/industrial/academic complex created during WWII enabled the development of technologies which have gone on to become integral parts of a global weather modification project the author calls the New Manhattan Project. This essay serves to solidify the assertion that the chemtrails so often seen in today’s skies are part of an ultra-massive and super-secret global weather modification project which is truly a new Manhattan Project.
Pre-Rad Lab
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) probably first conceived of the plans to manipulate the weather with electromagnetic energy which eventually grew into what the author calls today’s New Manhattan Project (NMP). Although the author has been unable to verify direct documentary evidence showing his hand, other circumstantial evidence strongly suggests it.
Tesla did a great deal of theorizing about weather control and he specifically theorized about using directed energy to manipulate the atmosphere. Bernard Eastlund (1938-2007), the inventor of today’s most significant, powerful, and versatile electromagnetic energy generator (the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project or HAARP), attributed its fundamental technologies to Tesla. There are many of these so-called ‘ionospheric heaters’ all around the world today being used to manipulate the weather as part of the NMP. Also, when Tesla died, huge quantities of his effects (most notably his scientific papers and instruments) were confiscated by the United States government. Among these confiscated papers may have been the initial New Manhattan Project plans. The timing is right. As noted above, Tesla died in 1943, then just three years later, Bernard Vonnegut (who later went on to conduct early NMP field experiments) and two other General Electric (GE) scientists were simultaneously kicking-off the scientific era of weather control and the New Manhattan Project. The three years plus between Tesla’s death and GE’s famous exploits would be plenty of time to review Tesla’s material and make plans for the future. The MIT Rad Lab was already well at work on related technologies.
Most curiously though, the scientific expert charged with reviewing Nikola Tesla’s posthumously confiscated papers was a Radiation Lab Steering Committee member and Assistant Director by the name of John G. Trump (1907-1985). For our military, John G. Trump translated the Tesla papers from Scientist to English. Our military, in turn, decided which of Tesla’s ideas were of military value and thus worthy of further exploration. John G. Trump went on to serve as the head of the British Branch of the MIT Radiation Laboratory. If you are wondering… yes, John G. Trump was the uncle of the new United States President Donald J. Trump. In fact, The Donald’s middle name of ‘John’ was given to him in honor of his uncle.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Radiation Laboratory
MIT Rad Lab scientists developed early examples of technologies which have since gone on to become large parts of today’s NMP. Specifically, the Rad Lab made important early advancements in the areas of ionospheric heaters and air traffic control. These technologies involve the creative use of electromagnetic energy. The creative use of electromagnetic energy applied to the WWII effort was what the Rad Lab was all about.
The MIT Rad Lab operated between 1940 and 1945 and it was big. Before the end of the war, the Rad Lab was employing nearly 4,000 people. The MIT Rad Lab was underwritten by a half-million dollars of John D. Rockefeller Jr. money. By its last year, the Rad Lab reached a budget of about $125,000 per day, or close to $4 million per month. In 1945 the MIT Rad Lab had sixty-nine different academic institutions represented on its staff. It produced 150 radar systems. By the end of the war, the Rad Lab had delivered to the armed services 3 billion dollars worth of radar equipment. That’s $40 billion in today’s dollars; about $10 billion more than the cost of the original Manhattan Project.
Many scientists who worked on the original Manhattan Project also worked out of the Rad Lab. Famous Manhattan Project scientists Kenneth Bainbridge (1904-1996), Jerrold Zacharias (1905-1986), and Robert Bacher (1905-2004) were all members of the Rad Lab Steering Committee.
The MIT Rad Lab grew out of something called the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) Microwave Committee. This Microwave Committee was part of an NDRC division headed by the famous scientist and president of MIT Karl Taylor Compton (1887-1954). Karl Compton also served on the Interim Committee which advised president Truman as to the use of the newly created atomic bomb. His brother was Manhattan Project scientist Arthur Compton (1892-1962). We will have more about the NDRC shortly.
At the behest of Karl Compton, the NDRC Microwave Committee was run by a man by the name of Alfred Lee Loomis (1887-1975). Alfred Loomis was also later a Rad Lab co-founder. The official NDRC historian during the second world war, James Phinney Baxter wrote an excellent book titled Scientists Against Time which efficiently describes the Microwave Committee’s origins. Baxter writes:
When the National Defense Research Committee was established, the first suggestions from the armed services of fields for NDRC investigation included basic research at ultra-high frequencies and studies of pulse transmission. The Air Corps was looking for solutions to the problem of fog and haze and was interested in the possibility of bombing through the overcast. [Karl] Compton, Chief of Division D, promptly established a section to study the applications of microwaves (radio waves 10 centimeters or less in length) to detection devices. This Section D-1, which later became Division 14 of NDRC, was headed by Alfred L. Loomis, a New York lawyer and a pioneer in the field of microwaves. It included scientists and engineers drawn from the American universities and industrial concerns which had done the most to develop microwave techniques. The Microwave Committee, as it was commonly called, continued with remarkably few changes in personnel throughout the war.
The MIT Rad Lab then evolved from the NDRC Microwave Committee. In mid-1940 a group of British scientists and officials, led by a man named Henry Tizard, arranged for their revolutionary short-wave radar prototype to be delivered to America. This was known as ‘The Tizard Mission.’ In exchange for this technology, the U.S. promised development and production. The British needed radar as part of their war effort against Germany, so did the U.S.. In late 1940, the Microwave Committee unanimously voted to establish development and production facilities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Research began at what was soon called the Radiation Laboratory on November 10, 1940, under an NDRC contract with M.I.T.. The famous namesake of Lawrence Livermore National Labs and Manhattan Project physicist, Ernest O. Lawrence (1901-1958) recruited physicists in the early days, including the Director of the Laboratory, Dr. Lee DuBridge (1901-1994). Dr. E. G. ‘Taffy’ Bowen (1911-1991) of the Tizard Mission joined the staff as British Liaison Officer.
The Rad Lab developed and produced radar and radar-like systems and contracted for radar set (transmitter and receiver) production with five industrial concerns: Raytheon, General Electric, Radio Corporation of America (RCA), Westinghouse, and Philco & Sperry. Raytheon today probably manages the electromagnetic portions of the New Manhattan Project while General Electric has a plethora of connections to the NMP. MIT has a long and rich tradition of co-operating with industry.
The MIT Rad Lab is most well known for developing the airplane-mounted radar which allowed Allied fighters to see submerged German submarines called U-boats. Before the advent of this plane-mounted radar, the German U-boats were sinking Allied ships with relative impunity. Radar produced at the Rad Lab allowed our boys to blow their U-boats to smithereens, regain maritime supremacy, and ensure the safe passage of Allied shipping. The Rad Lab developed and produced scads of other technologies that dramatically helped our soldiers win, including some extremely effective submarine radar for the Pacific theatre. As it has been written and said many times: the atomic bomb only ended the war, radar won it.
As the war ended, the Rad Lab was closed down and people who had been working there found employment elsewhere in the vast, newly created military/industrial/academic complex. Depopulated, the MIT Rad Lab was officially terminated on the last day of 1945, only to be bureaucratically reborn the next day (the first day of 1946) as something called the Basic Research Division. Six months later, the Basic Research Division re-joined MIT as a subdivision of the newly established Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE).
It is interesting to note that on the campus of MIT, both the Rad Lab and the later Research Laboratory of Electronics shared building space with the Office of Naval Research (ONR) because the ONR has many connections to the New Manhattan Project.
Today, electromagnetic energy generated from ground-based antennas called ‘ionospheric heaters’ is used to manipulate the atmosphere and therefore modify the weather. The use of electromagnetic energy is what distinguishes the New Manhattan Project from the conventional cloud-seeding industry. The biggest early developments of technologies which have since resulted in today’s ionospheric heaters took place at the MIT Rad Lab. Ionospheric heaters have evolved from something developed at the Rad Lab called the Long Range Navigation (LORAN) system. For more about ionospheric heaters and their role in the NMP, see the author’s previous article “Smoking Gun: The HAARP and Chemtrails Connection.”
During the Rad Lab years was when Big Science got serious about bouncing radio waves off of the ionosphere. Before LORAN, the most significant contributions in this area were made by Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), and then later by scientists Gregory Breit (1899-1981) and Merle Tuve (1901-1982). As we have seen, Nikola Tesla was probably the father of the New Manhattan Project. Merle Tuve was the director of the terrestrial magnetism division of the Carnegie Institution. The Carnegie Institution has many NMP connections. The LORAN concept was first proposed by the aforementioned Alfred Lee Loomis. Before this article is over, we will have much more about the enigmatic Mr. Loomis.
LORAN developments were originally produced under something called the Loran Group and later under the MIT Radiation Laboratory Navigation Group. The Loran Group started as a subcommittee of the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) Microwave Committee not part of the MIT Rad Lab. In the early 1940s, the Loran Group was founded and administrated by a man named Melville Eastham (1885-1964). Famous scientists like: Donald G. Fink (1911-1996), J. Curry Street (1906-1989), and Julius Adams Stratton (1901-1994) were members of the Loran Group and made significant contributions. By early summer of 1941, the LORAN project became the Rad Lab’s when the MIT Radiation Laboratory Navigation Group took over the LORAN project. Fink and Street went on to run the project after Mr. Eastham’s retirement.
The LORAN system involved sending electromagnetic signals from multiple ground-based transmitters to airborne and waterborne receiving sets in order to determine the position and bearing of the ship; a type of triangulation. LORAN allowed the ship’s navigator to determine his position and bearing and thus proceed accordingly.
Loran systems did not always bounce radio waves off the ionosphere. They did so only at night. When the electromagnetic signals were simply sent roughly perpendicular along the surface of the Earth, it was called ‘ground-wave’ Loran. This is what was done during daytime hours. At night, LORAN systems and their operators bounced the transmissions off the ionosphere using something called ‘Sky-wave Synchronized LORAN’ or ‘SS Loran’ for short. SS Loran had much longer ranges than the ground-waves. Ground-wave transmissions were used during the day and SS Loran at night because the ionosphere is adequately reflective at night and not so during the day. Ham radio operators have operated upon this principle for many decades. In the early summer of 1941, successful SS Loran field experiments were conducted between Montauk, New York and as far west as Springfield, Missouri; a distance of about 1,200 miles.
By mid-1942, LORAN field experiments were going very well and hence the project was enjoying lots of funding, access, and other help. Earlier in the year, the LORAN project had acquired a Naval Liaison Officer by the name of Captain L.M. Harding. By this time, the scientists of the Radiation Laboratory Navigation Group were successfully sending SS Loran signals from Fenwick Island, Delaware to the Azores Islands; a distance of over 4,000 miles. The British and Canadian governments and militaries were co-operating extensively.
Also in mid-1942, the development of the airborne SS Loran receivers, which had previously been conducted by General Electric, was turned over to the Aircraft Radio Laboratory of the Signal Corps at Wright Field. Both General Electric and Wright Field (now Wright-Patterson Air Force Base) have extensive ties to the New Manhattan Project. Although the first LORAN receiver sets were produced by the Rad Lab itself, the receiver sets were ultimately mass produced by the Radio Corporation of America (RCA).
In 1943 LORAN went fully operational in the North Atlantic. On Jan. 1, 1943 the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) took over the aforementioned Fenwick and Montauk stations. In June of that year, transmitting stations in: Labrador, Newfoundland, and Greenland were also turned over to the USCG. In order to provide constant military navigation services, the USCG (in co-operation with the Navy and the Rad Lab) then began operating these stations 24 hours a day. By this time, LORAN was commonly able to transmit to a ship up to 700 miles away during daylight hours and up to 1,400 miles away at night. By 1945, the Canadians and the British along with the Americans (Allied Powers) were operating a slew of transmitting stations which provided LORAN coverage from the North Atlantic down to the Caribbean. Also by the end of WWII, LORAN systems were operational all over the northern and western Pacific Ocean and the Far East with coverage from Alaska, to Japan, to the China-Burma-India theater, and on down into the East Indies. By the end of the war LORAN covered three tenths of the Earth’s surface.
The development of SS Loran led to the later development of over-the-horizon (OTH) radar. Today’s ionospheric heaters are the direct descendants of OTH radar and therefore ionospheric heaters are the direct descendants of SS Loran. Amazingly enough, OTH radar transmitters bounce a signal off the ionosphere, then that signal hits a target which sends an echo back off the ionosphere again and back to the transmitter. In this way, we are able to remotely sense objects thousands of miles away. OTH radar technologies were first developed in the 1950s. We left Kansas a long time ago.
Air traffic control
“I see a manless Air Force . . . [that] is going to be built around scientists – around mechanically minded fellows.” – Vannevar Bush
Today’s New Manhattan Project air traffic control systems are most probably the descendants of two different Rad Lab activities. One of these was a project called Ground-Controlled Approach (GCA) and the other was research and development in the area of highly automated missile batteries.
Ground-Controlled Approach systems allowed pilots to safely land their plane in zero visibility conditions and suggested radar-enhanced remote control. These truck-mounted systems used radar to determine an airship’s position and bearing. Once position and bearing had been determined, a GCA operator would give specific voice commands to the pilot over the two-way radio and talk the pilot down this way. It worked very well and was put into military use by the end of the war to save many lives. Manhattan Project scientist, Nobel Prize winner, and Rad Lab Steering Committee member Luis Alvarez (1911-1988) led the GCA group. Alfred Loomis was also instrumental in its development.
The GCA system suggested a new generation of remotely controlled aircraft systems. In the early 1940s, remotely controlled aircraft were not incredibly new. As early as 1918 remote controlled bombers were being flown. Operators relied upon being able to see the aircraft with their own two eyes. The GCA system developed at the Rad Lab allowed operators of remotely controlled planes to ‘see’ their plane much more accurately and from further away. As far as the controlling of the plane goes, the next logical step for the GCA was to substitute electronic signals for voice commands. Electronic signals, as was done with earlier remotely controlled aircraft, could give GCA operators direct control of the target aircraft’s navigational controls. This type of radar-enhanced aircraft remote control was a major technological advancement in the field.
Another area of study at the MIT Rad Lab that most probably contributed to the air traffic control systems of today’s NMP is that of automated missile batteries. During the Rad Lab years, our military was fantasizing about sweeping guided bombs across the enemy like they had been sprayed out of a fire hose. At that time, such remote launch and guidance of missiles had much room for improvement, though. Although our military’s initial uptake of these types of systems was slow, our August, 1943 discovery of the Germans using radio-controlled missiles prompted our American military to get a move on. After 1943, a plethora of related programs were initiated. Technologies developed at the Rad Lab contributed greatly to this body of work.
These early developments of automated missile batteries led to something called the Sage system. The Sage system was developed at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory. The MIT Lincoln Laboratory was founded by key figures in the MIT Rad Lab and the subsequent Research Laboratory of Electronics. Later, in 1958 about 500 Lincoln Laboratory Employees left and formed the Mitre Corporation. The Mitre Corporation is probably the day-to-day manager of today’s NMP. For more about the Mitre Corporation, please see the author’s previous article “MITRE: Architects of the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project?”
The aforementioned scientist mostly responsible for the GCA system, Luis Alvarez went on to become a trustee of the Mitre Corporation. He was also a senior advisor to the secretive Jason Group which is implicated in the New Manhattan Project as well.
Vannevar Bush: architect of the military/industrial/academic complex and founder of the New Manhattan Project
The aforementioned Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) was the man most responsible for the formation of today’s military/industrial/academic complex. Bob Dylan’s song “Masters of War” is about him. We all know about Eisenhower’s famous coining of the term ‘military/industrial complex.’ The former President is referring to the combined power of giant organizations enabled by the bureaucratic framework established by Vannevar Bush and his cronies. Bush was the head of the WWII-era National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) as well as the head of the concurrent Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD). While overseeing massive growth for all parties involved, Bush brought our military, corporations, and universities together to work on enormous projects such as the original Manhattan Project and the MIT Rad Lab. Without congressional approval, Bush and his cronies created the first American ‘black’ military budgets. Surprisingly, no, he was not related to the Bush political crime family.
In 1913 Vannevar Bush went to work for General Electric as a ‘test man.’ Bush got his PhD from MIT in 1916. He joined the MIT faculty in 1919. Working with J.P. Morgan and others, Bush co-founded Raytheon in 1924. By 1926, Bush was a Raytheon consultant and he owned 3.6 percent of the company’s outstanding stock. In the early 1930s, Bush’s stature at MIT was greatly enhanced with the arrival of MIT President Karl Compton. Bush was then named Dean of the School of Engineering and a member of the MIT Corporation; the university’s board of directors. General Electric, Raytheon, and MIT all have extensive ties to the New Manhattan Project. After the war, Bush was to become Chairman of the MIT Corporation.
At the start of 1939, Bush became president of the powerful Carnegie Institution in Washington D.C.; another organization inextricably associated with the NMP. It was around this time that Bush began thinking that consolidating powers of the government, the military, and the private sector might match the efficiencies of the Nazi war machine then terrorizing Europe. With key support from such men as: Secretary of War Henry ‘Skull & Bones’ Stimson (1867-1950), the President of the National Academy of Sciences Frank Jewett (1879-1949), Manhattan Project chemist James B. Conant (1893-1978), Karl Compton, and Alfred Loomis, Bush went about doing just that.
By May of 1940, Bush had enlisted the help of a man named John Victory to draft legislative language calling for the creation of what he called the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC). The NDRC was to bring together America’s militaries, corporations, and universities in an effort to more efficiently produce new weaponry. Bush called upon Frederic Delano (the President’s uncle) to arrange an appointment with President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In early June, Delano’s request landed Bush a meeting with the president’s closest aide Harry Hopkins. Hopkins arranged for Bush to see the president. On June 12, at their meeting, Roosevelt endorsed the NDRC. With this endorsement, Roosevelt had promised Bush direct access to the White House, virtual immunity from congressional oversight, and his own line of funds. Without an act of congress, with the stroke of a pen, the military/industrial/academic complex was born.
At a June 14 press conference, Roosevelt announced Bush’s appointment as the head of the newly created NDRC. Compton, Jewett, and Conant quickly became his principal aides. Many other prominent experts (many of whom went on to be Manhattan Project and Rad Lab scientists) soon flocked to the organization. The NDRC leadership was stacked with MIT graduates.
The vast majority of Bush’s funding decisions benefited his friends and colleagues. Bush himself later admitted he had pulled off, “an end run, a grab by which a small company of scientists and engineers, outside established channels, got hold of the authority and money for the program of developing new weapons.” Even though the Carnegie Institution figured to be among the top recipients of NDRC contracts, Bush not only retained his presidency there, but the Carnegie Institution’s headquarters became those of the NDRC. The Carnegie Institution ended up getting about $3 million in NDRC contracts. Scads of NDRC grants would also flow to his former employer MIT. In fact, MIT was the top academic recipient of NDRC contract dollars, raking in about $117 million. During the course of the war, Raytheon, whose stock Bush still owned, enjoyed a 60-fold growth in sales. The connections between the Carnegie Institution, MIT, Raytheon, and the NMP are legion. Although Bush fretted about conflicts of interest and later tried to officially legalize his activities, Roosevelt didn’t initially see any of this as a problem.
By mid-1941, out of legal and funding concerns, President Roosevelt approved the creation of the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) to run the NDRC. The NDRC became the chief operating unit of the OSRD. Under the previous arrangement, the NDRC was funded by the executive branch. Under the OSRD, the NDRC became funded by Congress. Bush remained in charge as he assumed the position of Director of the OSRD and Conant became NDRC Chairman. By 1944, Bush’s OSRD was spending $3 million a week on 6,000 researchers at more than 300 industrial and university labs.
It is interesting to note that the NDRC did extensive work for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The NDRC served the OSS like the fictional Q Branch from the James Bond movies serves the British Secret Service; producing unorthodox weaponry and spying gear. This is significant because the OSS was the forerunner to today’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and evidence suggests that the CIA is deeply involved in today’s New Manhattan Project. For more about the CIA’s involvement in today’s NMP, see the author’s previous article “Forging Reality: The New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Information War.”
Creating the military/industrial/academic complex wasn’t the only thing he did. In the historical weather modification literature, Vannevar Bush’s name (pronounced vuh-nee-ver like beaver) comes up again and again. Considering all that has been disclosed here, in combination with his well documented weather modification advocacy, Vannevar Bush is most probably the founder of the New Manhattan Project. One might say that Vannevar was as busy as a beaver. In late 1957, as an introduction to the most cited weather modification document ever, he wrote:
It is entirely possible, were he wise enough, that man could produce favorable effects, perhaps of enormous practical significance, transforming his environment to render it more salutary for his purposes. This is certainly a matter which should be studied assiduously and explored vigorously. The first steps are clear. In order to control meteorological matters at all we need to understand them better than we now do. When we understand fully we can at least predict weather with assurance for reasonable intervals in the future.
With modern analytical devices, with a team of sound background and high skills, it is possible today to do a piece of work in this field which will render immediate benefits, and carry us far toward a more thorough understanding of ultimate possibilities. By all means let us get at it.
Yet another thing that Vannevar Bush accomplished was to ensure that technologists such as himself became vital to planning war strategy and operations. This was a radical idea at the time. As Bush’s leading biographer writes, “In May 1942, the president endorsed the creation of a subcommittee to his new Joint Chiefs of Staff that would be devoted to new weaponry. Bush would chair the three-person advisory body, called the Joint Committee on New Weapons and Equipment, whose frank purpose was the ‘education’ of the military’s top brass.” G. Pascal Zachary goes on to write, “Bush was the first civilian outside the cabinet to ever formally have a line into the nation’s military chiefs.” This, along with all the other information detailed here, shows that Bush had the means, motive, opportunity, desire, and will to found the New Manhattan Project. Nobody else was even capable.
As if all this wasn’t enough, Bush was also involved in the creation of huge post-war National organizations designed to enable state-funded and privately executed scientific research; thus continuing the legacy of the OSRD. These post-war organizations became main vehicles for the development of America’s weather modification programs. These vehicles were the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the later National Science Foundation (NSF).
The curious case of Edward Teller
Edward Teller (1908-2003) was one of the most famous scientists of the 20th century. He was famous because he was an extremely capable physicist and tirelessly promoted his projects. He worked as a senior scientist on the original Manhattan Project and went on to develop and promote the next generation of nuclear bombs known as thermonuclear bombs (hydrogen bombs). He is also widely known for developing and promoting the Strategic Defense Initiative; a.k.a. Star Wars.
We particularly concern ourselves with Mr. Teller because in the 1990s he famously co-authored a series of papers published by Lawrence Livermore National Labs which proposed that the Earth and its biota be sprayed with stratospheric aluminum. We are concerned not only because on its face this proposition is extremely dangerous, we are even more concerned because air and rainwater sample test results from around the world have shown aluminum to be today’s main chemtrail ingredient. To top it all off, large-scale domestic chemtrail spraying operations began around the same time as Teller’s co-authored papers were published.
Teller didn’t work out of the MIT Rad Lab. He did, though, often theorize about how nuclear bombs detonated in the high atmosphere could influence the weather. He also advocated for, among many other things, using nuclear bomb blasts to reshape planetary landscapes. Unbelievably, Teller also wrote of periodically detonating underground nuclear explosions in order to generate a sort of man-made geothermal energy. Although most people today would probably call that ‘completely freaking insane,’ at the time, these types of proposed activities were what was called ‘planetary engineering.’ Planetary engineering is synonymous with today’s ‘geoengineering.’ A branch of geoengineering called solar radiation management (SRM) suggests today that jet aircraft spray the Earth with stratospheric particles.
Teller wrote and spoke about weather modification countless times. In his memoirs, Teller writes of, “putting 1 billion small floating spheres into the atmosphere.” We have noted how he wrote about spraying us with aluminum. In his book The Legacy of Hiroshima he suggests the SRM geoengineering thesis, which means spraying chemtrails. These are just a few examples. There are many, many more.
In the example reproduced below, we see how Teller notes atmospheric ‘triggers.’ He’s writing about the notion that certain, relatively small atmospheric phenomena at certain points in space and time can create atmospheric chain reactions which eventually lead to large atmospheric phenomena such as storms. It is analogous to the so-called ‘butterfly effect.’ The butterfly effect is the notion that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in China can eventually cause a giant storm on Cape Cod. The thesis of atmospheric triggers is mentioned over and over again throughout the weather modification literature in the same way Teller mentions it here. In order to control the weather, Teller and his peers suggested that these triggers be artificially created and/or manipulated. The atmospheric trigger thesis is central to today’s NMP operations. Today’s NMP supercomputer atmospheric modeling systems are designed to be able to identify these triggers and predict their outcomes. Knowing the probable outcomes is how the people running the NMP know when and where to perform atmospheric manipulations. The National laboratory Teller co-founded and directed (Lawrence Livermore National Labs) has been at the forefront of supercomputer atmospheric modeling since early on and continues there today. Teller writes:
Before anything can be controlled, it first must be understood. We are just beginning to approach an understanding of weather. We know that very small causes can grow into very big effects. A slight disturbance of the air masses on the front separating the calm air of the poles from the steady westerly winds encircling the globe in temperate latitudes can trigger a whirlpool a thousand miles wide and can affect the weather over the United States for an entire week. We can and we should increase the number and range of our weather observations. We will use satellites and other means to keep track of clouds and winds. Then, using improved electronic computers, we shall be able to predict weather and trace the origin of each development back to its original trigger.
When this high degree of meteorological understanding has been attained, we might be able to create triggers of our own and realize the age-old dream of actually doing something about the weather. We might spread a cloud of dust over a strategic location [author’s emphasis] or find some other way to upset the temperature balance between air masses. We might break droughts. We might regulate the precise location and time where a hurricane arises, thus predetermining the place where the destructive winds would dissipate.
Such new command over nature will give us responsibilities beyond our present ability to imagine. When rain will be the servant of man, man must be the master of himself. Control of clouds will bring either conflict or co-operation between nations. The prospect may seem terrifying, but in the long run this situation or one similar to it will surely arise. Science brings progress; progress creates power; power is coupled with responsibility. This responsibility we shall not escape.
As we can infer from his last paragraph, Teller was a global governance advocate. He openly professed it countless times as did many of his peers. The threat of thermonuclear war has also been widely used as a catalyst for world government. Evidence suggests that the New Manhattan Project is perhaps the biggest part of a planned, authoritarian world government.
Edward Teller was also instrumental in the founding of Lawrence Livermore Labs and for many years served as its director. During Teller’s directorship his direct superior was Army General Alfred D. Starbird. This is significant because Lawrence Livermore National Labs (LLNL) has an extensive history of developing atmospheric models and configuring supercomputers to potentially function as part of the New Manhattan Project. In fact, in the article “C4: Command, Control, Communications, and Computers of the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project,” your author goes over the evidence suggesting that LLNL is home to the NMP’s main command base.
The most compelling information linking Teller to the New Manhattan Project is found buried in a footnote to his memoirs. He was a longtime consultant to the Mitre Corporation. This is significant because, as noted earlier, evidence indicates that the Mitre Corporation is the New Manhattan Project’s project manager.
Lastly, via the Polaris project, Teller is once again connected to the NMP. Teller and LLNL led the development of the nuclear warheads which were used as part of the Polaris Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) project. The successful development of the Polaris warhead played an important role in Livermore’s early growth. The head of the Polaris program was a Navy vice admiral by the name of William Francis Raborn. William Raborn was most probably instrumental to the development and production of the NMP. In 1963 Raborn prominently wrote of electromagnetic energy being used to control the weather. The Navy today co-manages the giant HAARP ionospheric heater. Raborn was on the board of directors of a company that went on to build HAARP. Not only all that, but it was a Polaris nuclear warhead which was remotely sensed in a landmark OTH radar field experiment and, as we have seen, HAARP is the direct descendant of OTH radar.
Teller was an early, strong, and steadfast adopter of the theory of man-made global warming.
The sum total of this evidence indicates that Edward Teller was instrumental to the development of the New Manhattan Project. In fact, he was probably the single most important scientist in its history.
Throughout much of the time frame when the NMP was being developed, Teller was ostensibly busy with the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Many people questioned the validity of the SDI project, though. Many people in the know have characterized the SDI as technically unfeasible and potentially ineffective (not to mention wasteful). Teller’s close colleague Glenn Seaborg was a sharp critic. In fact, many of Teller’s peers even doubted that Teller himself thought that SDI was actually feasible.
In his book Teller’s War: The Top-Secret Story Behind the Star Wars Deception Pulitzer Prize winning journalist William Broad writes, “Over the protests of colleagues, Teller mislead the highest officials of the United States government on a critical issue of national security, paving the way for a multibillion-dollar deception in which a dream of peace concealed the most dangerous military program of all time.” Mr. Broad continues later, “One can argue that Teller showed clear signs of delusion. His continuing support of the X-ray laser [Star Wars] after its collapse bespoke an emotional commitment so deep it defied logic.”
Maybe the Strategic Defense Initiative was just a cover story. Maybe it was just a way to divert the public’s attention. Teller was widely known as an extremely potent force. Many average Americans were aware of Edward Teller and figured that he was perpetually up to something big. Many did not like him and did not trust him. Maybe the SDI was put forward as a cover story in order to hide Teller’s involvement in the super-secret New Manhattan Project. This way the public would figure that Teller was devoting most of his time to the SDI and therefore miss his involvement in a highly classified project which was eventually used against the American people.
The cult of John von Neumann
![John von Neumann](https://www.activistpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/John-von-Neuman.jpg)
People saw the famous Manhattan Project physicist and mathematician John von Neumann (1903-1957) as a ‘demigod.’ The Nobel Prize winning physicist Hans Bethe wondered if von Neumann’s brain indicated ‘a species superior to that of man.’ Another Nobel Prize winner, Eugene Wigner noted that von Neumann was not Human but a demigod who had ‘made a detailed study of humans and could imitate them perfectly.’ His biographer Norman Macrae called him ‘a prophet.’
These statements were justified by von Neumann’s legendary scientific capabilities. He was known for calculating in his head amazingly accurate answers to exceedingly complex mathematical equations. Given time, pencil, and paper, there was no problem he could not solve. He applied his brain power to whatever was needed at the time. Both the Army and the Navy treasured Johnny as an invaluable scientific resource. He was mild-mannered and universally well liked.
Johnny was part of the team who invented modern mathematical computer modeling. This was invented and developed at Los Alamos in the context of the production of the world’s first atomic bombs. Johnny and his team created mathematical models ran on supercomputers which could predict outcomes of simulated nuclear detonations. Johnny later applied the knowledge of computer modeling attained during these experiments to atmospheric modeling.
Shortly after the war, in October of 1945, Vladimir Zworykin and the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) published “Outline of Weather Proposal.” This document called for geoengineering and a global weather control program. Von Neumann was a contributing author. In January of 1946, von Neumann and Zworykin went to the Weather Bureau and made their case for weather modification.
Princeton University’s Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) was founded in 1930. Like RCA world headquarters, the IAS was located in Princeton, New Jersey. Von Neumann was one of the original five members. The other original members included Albert Einstein (1879-1955). In May of 1946, the Institute began their Meteorology Project which was funded by the Office of Naval Research. Their Meteorology Project was designed to take the, “first steps towards influencing the weather by rational, human intervention.” Johnny lobbied Navy admirals about how computers could revolutionize meteorology and help attain weather control. Military men recognize an important weapons system when they see one, hence money for Johnny’s Meteorology Project was never a problem.
Later, Jule Charney (1917-1981) and Norman Phillips arrived at the IAS to help produce the first truly practicable atmospheric models. Faster computers filled in the other half of the equation. As time went on, the models got better and the computers got faster. By 1955 the Weather Bureau was issuing forecasts derived from computers. The basis for today’s NMP supercomputer atmospheric modeling had been laid. Charney and Phillips later departed for MIT.
Von Neumann was an early progenitor of the modern theory of man-made global warming and a geoengineering advocate. In the early 1950s, he speculated that the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from the burning of hydrocarbon fuels such as oil and gas could cause the Earth’s average temperature to rise dramatically. Maybe he neglected to consider the fact that only a statistically insignificant 3% of the Earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide is man-made. Nevertheless, speculate he did. He also laid the foundation of today’s Solar Radiation Management (SRM) Geoengineering thesis by theorizing that a layer of stratospheric aerosols, such as those created by a volcano, could lower the Earth’s temperature by reflecting sunlight back into space. These are the earliest examples of both the modern theory of man-made global warming and the basis of the SRM Geoengineering thesis yet known to the author. Von Neumann is probably the originator of both. He was also an advocate for global weather control and global government. It’s funny how all these things go hand in hand, isn’t it?
Lastly, Von Neumann was also one of Edward Teller’s longtime friends and associates. He worked on the computer modeling for Teller’s H-bomb.
More about Bernard Vonnegut, Irving Langmuir, and General Electric
This section concerns itself with Bernard Vonnegut and his cohorts because Bernard Vonnegut captained the first modern experiments involving the electrical manipulation of atmospheric particles for the purpose of weather modification. Today’s NMP has evolved into a project involving the electromagnetic manipulation of atmospheric particles for the purpose of weather modification. For more about Vonnegut’s involvement in the beginnings of the New Manhattan Project, please refer to the author’s previous article “Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project.”
This section is mostly based on a very informative and well written book titled The Brothers Vonnegut: Science and Fiction in the House of Magic by Ginger Strand.
Vonnegut went to MIT both as an undergraduate and graduate student. For his graduate thesis “A Freezing Point Apparatus,” he designed a device to measure the exact point at which water with other substances dissolved in it will freeze. This work was relevant to cloud nucleation and therefore weather modification.
During WWII, before he became director of the MIT meteorology department’s aircraft deicing project, he worked at the MIT Chemical Engineering Department where he developed smokes for the U.S. government’s Chemical Warfare Service. Vonnegut got Manhattan District clearance so he could use radioactive tracers to measure German gas mask smoke penetrations. It was during this time when he met the first industrial scientist to win the Nobel Prize, Irving Langmuir who was working on smokes as well. These MIT smoke programs were carried out with the participation of General Electric.
Vonnegut got closer to both Langmuir and his assistant Vincent Schaefer discussing aircraft deicing. In 1946 Vonnegut, Langmuir, Schaefer, and General Electric would go on to rollout the scientific era of weather modification. Previously, on May 8, 1945 (VE Day) in New York City, Langmuir, in fact, had been recruited by the Army to conduct weather modification research.
Langmuir was one of the first scientists to conduct experiments on ionized gasses which he called ‘plasmas.’ He invented the field of plasma physics. This is relevant to today’s NMP because, as part of the Project, electromagnetic energy is currently being used to turn vast portions of our atmosphere into plasmas. Tesla had theorized earlier about how the electrification of the atmosphere and the formation of atmospheric plasmas could achieve weather modification.
The lead government agencies working with G.E. on weather modification were the Army Signal Corps and the Office of Naval Research. G.E. employees were merely advisors and were to, “refrain from asserting any control or direction over the flight program. The GE Research Laboratory responsibility [was] confined strictly to laboratory work and reports.”
Incidentally, General Electric and MIT have historically had a very close professional relationship. Willis R. Whitney, the founder of G.E. Labs, was a member of the 1890 MIT graduating class and later an MIT professor. The man who asked Whitney to organize G.E. Labs, Elihu Thompson served as MIT’s acting president from 1920 to 1923. Karl Compton, who served as both MIT President and President of the MIT Corporation, was a consultant to the G.E. Research Lab in the 1920s. There are many more examples.
Alfred Lee Loomis: the father of psychotronic weaponry and major aspects of the New Manhattan Project
The most interesting has been saved for last.
Alfred Lee Loomis was a Wall Street lawyer and banker turned scientist. To gain an understanding of the man, one can read an excellent biography written by the daughter of the famous Manhattan Project scientist James B. Conant. The book is titled Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II by Jennet Conant. This book provides most of the information presented here. As mentioned earlier, he ran the Microwave Committee, was a Rad Lab co-founder, and first proposed the LORAN concept which evolved into today’s ionospheric heaters. He was a Life Member of the MIT Corporation. Alfred Lee Loomis is not to be confused with another important MIT Rad Lab scientist by the name of Francis Wheeler Loomis. The two were not related, either. Loomis was, however, the first cousin and close friend of the aforementioned Secretary of War Henry ‘Skull & Bones’ Stimson.
Alfred Loomis owned several homes in an exclusive community north of New York City called Tuxedo Park. He converted one of these houses, called Tower House, into a laboratory. Calling it the Loomis Laboratory, he worked there with and entertained famous scientists from all over the world.
In 1930 Loomis became interested in brain waves. He was inspired by a German psychiatrist named Hans Berger (1873-1941). Loomis published his first paper on the subject in June of 1935. His paper went over experiments conducted at Loomis Laboratory noting, “…the very definite occurrence of trains of rhythmic potential changes as a result of sounds heard by a human subject during sleep.” Using the electroencephalographic techniques he helped develop, Mr. Loomis noted different brain wave patterns and attributed these patterns to different states of sleep consciousness. Later, between 1937 and 1939, Loomis worked at Loomis Labs with a famous Harvard Medical School doctor by the name of Hallowell Davis (1896-1992) and his wife Pauline Davis. The trio solidified early brain wave research and continued development of the electroencephalogram. Today we have a precise knowledge of exactly how different electromagnetic frequencies affect us.
All this about brain waves is significant because the ionospheric heaters used today as part of the New Manhattan Project, which evolved from Loomis’ LORAN, can produce such frequencies that affect our moods, thoughts, and bodily functions. Antennas which can produce these types of electromagnetic signals are known as ‘psychotronic weaponry.’ Loomis is responsible for research helping to establish a basis for the second most probable NMP agenda (mind control) and the technology to deliver it! For more about psychotronic weaponry and its relevance to the NMP, please see the author’s previous article “Other New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Agendas.”
He was also interested in hydroelectric power. Loomis was keenly interested in new technologies that would allow power generated in hydroelectric plants (dams) to be efficiently transmitted to far-off cities. As a Wall Street banker, he was very familiar with the value of these technologies. In fact, after the war, he made an enormous fortune financing public utilities. This is significant because the generation of hydroelectric power was later to become a major catalyst for the conventional weather modification industry. For more about weather modification and the generation of hydroelectric power, please refer to the author’s previous article “Cui Bono? New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Motives.”
Loomis was also a founding trustee of the Rand Corporation. This is significant because the Rand Corporation has many NMP connections. In fact, Loomis was persuaded to be involved in the formation of the Rand Corporation by a man named Rowan Gaither (1909-1961) who had, in turn, been asked by the Air Force to organize the corporation. Later in 1958, Rowan Gaither went on to become one of the five members of the Mitre Corporation’s first Board of Trustees. At the time of Mitre’s founding, the Rand Corporation (along with MIT and the Ford Foundation) was one of the groups disproportionally represented. We have noted the Mitre Corporation’s commanding New Manhattan Project presence.
After the war, Loomis became involved in funding and building astronomical observatories such as the the National Center for Atmospheric Research’s High Altitude Observatory. This is significant because astronomy is relevant to the New Manhattan Project and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has many NMP connections.
Loomis’ son Henry Loomis (1919-2008) went on to become a member of the Mitre Corporation Board of Directors in 1976.
“Roosevelt called me into his office and said, ‘What’s going to happen to science after the war?’ I said, ‘It’s going to fall flat on its face.’ He said, ‘What are we going to do about it?’ And I told him, ‘We better do something damn quick.’” – Vannevar Bush
After the Axis powers were defeated, our military/industrial/academic complex wanted new enemies. New enemies justified its existence. Without a new enemy they were to be defunded. One of the new enemies they claimed was the weather; specifically the threat of catastrophic man-made global warming. Their prophet von Neumann had said so. They did not step aside gracefully. They jealously and dishonorably clung to power by declaring war on Mother Nature. After WWII, Vannevar Bush and his cronies spent their recently accumulated political capital building (among other things): a global weather modification project, a shadow United States government, and an authoritarian world government. Global warming was just the convenient lie they needed.
It is very interesting how this story and all the names listed here are new to most people. It was all mostly new to the author too. One might think that the story of the biggest scientific effort in Human history might have a little more recognition. One might think that this monolithic tale so important to our species would be known far and wide. Where is the Old Media? Where have they been all these years? Where are they today as fleets of jumbo jets routinely dump megatons of toxic garbage into our atmosphere? They have been busy asserting that chemtrails do not exist and that anybody who suggests otherwise is just a nutty conspiracy theorist. It boggles the mind that a journalistic nobody such as your author has uncovered so much of this. Time proves this work correct. Please hop aboard this train now so that justice may be done more swiftly. You are the New Media. Please share this information far and wide. Thank you.
Bibliography (in order of first appearance)
My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla a book by Nikola Tesla, published by SoHo Book
Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age a book by W. Bernard Carlson, published by the Princeton University Press, 2013
U.S. patent #4,686,605 “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere” by Bernard J. Eastlund, assigned to APTI Incorporated, 1987
U.S. patent #4,712,155 “Method and Apparatus for Creating an Artificial Electron Cyclotron Heating Region of Plasma” by Bernard J. Eastlund and Simon Ramo, assigned to APTI Incorporated, 1987
U.S. patent #5,038,664 “Method for Producing a Shell of Relativistic Particles at an Altitude Above the Earth’s Surface” by Bernard J. Eastlund, assigned to APTI Incorporated, 1991
Scientists Against Time a book by James Phinney Baxter, published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1968
Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science that Changed the Course of World War II a book by Jennet Conant, published by Simon and Schuster, 2003
The Making of the Atomic Bomb a book by Richard Rhodes, published by Simon and Schuster, 2012
“Celebrating the History of Building 20” a report
LORAN: Long Range Navigation a book by J.A. Pierce, A.A. McKenzie, R.H. Woodward, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Radiation Laboratory Series Board of Editors, published by McGraw Hill, v4, 1948
“An Introduction to Loran” a paper by Jack A. Pierce, published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1990
Alvarez: Adventures of a Physicist a book by Luis W. Alvarez, published by Basic Books, 1987
The Education of a College President a book by James R. Killian, Jr., published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1985
The Jasons: The Secret History of Science’s Postwar Elite a book by Ann Finkbeiner, Pblished by Penguin Books, 2006
Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the American Century a book by G. Pascal Zachary, published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1999
M.I.T. in World War II Q.E.D. a book by John Burchard, published by John Wiley and Sons, 1948
“Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control” a report by the Advisory Committee on Weather Control, published by the University Press of the Pacific, 2003
The Legacy of Hiroshima a book by Edward Teller and Allen Brown, published by Doubleday and Company, 1962
Edward Teller: The Real Dr. Strangelove a book by Peter Goodchild, published by the Harvard University Press, 2004
Teller’s War: The Top-Secret Story Behind the Star Wars Deception a book by William J. Broad, published by Simon and Schuster, 1992
Adventures in the Atomic Age: From Watts to Washington a book by Glenn T. Seaborg w/ Eric Seaborg, published by Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2001
John von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence, and Much More a book by Norman Macrae, published by the American Mathematical Society, 1999
The Brothers Vonnegut: Science and Fiction in the House of Magic a book by Ginger Strand, published by Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2015
Adventure into the Unknown: The First 50 Years of the General Electric Research Laboratory a book by Laurence A. Hawkins, published by William Morrow and Company, 1950
MITRE The First Twenty Years: A History of the MITRE Corporation (1958-1978) a book by the Mitre Corporation, published by the Mitre Corporation, 1979