Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

Jennifer Lopez “Feel the Light” EXPOSED!

These ancient Mysteries were originally given to humanity by the Hierarchy and contain the entire clue to the evolutionary process, hidden in numbers, in ritual, in words, and in symbology; these veil the secret of man’s origin and destiny, picturing to him, in rite and ritual, the long, long path which he must tread, back into the light.
 – Alice Bailey – The Reappearance of the Christ pg. 53


YouTube video


When celebrities come out with performances, more often then not, they are rituals for the occult hierarchy. In this occasion, we see Jennifer Lopez perform a song called “Feel the Light” which I show is in reference to the light of Lucifer, based on her lyrics. The performance itself also portrays a portal, and potentially the theme of someone or something emerging from another dimension. The music video shows a stairway to heaven, something that OTO influenced Led Zeppelin described in their song “Stairway to Heaven.” The real light of the world is Jesus Christ, not Lucifer or Prometheus.


Here I go
Feel better now
Feel better now
Here I go
Here I go
It’s better now
Feel better now

Do you remember when we fell under
Did you expect me to reason with thunder
I still remember when time was frozen
What seemed forever was just a moment
Hurry up, hurry up
There’s no more waiting
We’re still worth saving

Feel the light
Shining in the dark of night
Remember what we forgot
I know it’s a long shot
But we’re bringing it all back
We’re bringing it all back
Feel the light
Shining like the stars tonight
Remember what we forgot
I know it’s a long shot
But we’re bringing it all back
We’re bringing it all back

Here we go
Here we go
It’s better now
Feel better now


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