
Children Have 0.00% Chance of Dying from COVID but are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, Which has its Roots in CIA Torture Techniques

Vaccine Impact News California Civil Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas published a video on Facebook this week to show the devastating consequences of isolating children and forcing them to practice “social distancing” at places like school. Here are some lesser known facts about social distancing and isolation: • It was developed … Read More

MURDER BY LOCKDOWN – A Shocking Report of Seniors Under COVID-19

As even darker motives of the lockdown surface, as we expose the fraudulent “virus” & race wars (& vaccines, social distancing, masks, 5G………..) we know that THEY are also exposing themselves. It’s “The Externalization of the Hierarchy”. The ultimate goal being to create such an intense oppression, state of violence … Read More

Critical Theory: The Dismantling of Western Society

“Cities are burning to the ground. Small businesses are being destroyed. People are being fired for posting the “wrong opinion” online. How did we get here?” – Andrew Torba Ultimately we know that the spiritual answer to the question is “evil”, but what means were employed to cause our … Read More

Military nurse at COVID epicenter hospital: “it’s murder”

It just keeps getting worse. Remember the NY nurse who put out a video last month where she tearfully reported an unimaginable scenario (murder) happening at the hospital she worked at? Well, there’s another one. Here’s the video and Jon Rappaport’s response below. Military nurse at COVID epicenter hospital: “it’s … Read More

COVID / Virus Hoax

Here are just a few of the things we know: ● COVID-19 is a made up virus term with symbolic, occult significance. ● There are many (still mounting) peculiarities surrounding the “virus”. ● Tests for Coronavirus are inaccurate. ● COVID-19 “pandemic” appears to have been predicted on several television “programs” … Read More

The Hem of His Garment

There is an aurora in Finland known as “The Hem of His garment.” It makes me think or Isaiah 6:1 “In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple.” What if … Read More

5G, mem and Social Distancing

I’m posting this for the sake of understanding 5G technology, not to promote fear. It is nothing more than satan’s hubris attempt to counterfeit God’s omniscience and use it to control and destroy. Craig notes the symbolism, which is the enemy’s fingerprint. His destruction has been sealed. Then that lawless … Read More

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