
Jonathan Cahn’s Paradigm

According to the writings of occult leaders, Kabbalah Initiation must occur worldwide before their “Moshiach”/messiah can return. That is Jonathan Cahn’s “assignment”:  to initiate Christians into Kabbalah… Christian Observer | YNightingale Best Selling author and head of the largest Messianic congregation in America, Jonathan Cahn is influencing the theology, eschatology and … Read More

The Truth Will Set You Free!

This is an informative, thought provoking video, reminiscent of Ray Comfort’s street conversations. The video begins with a good song, but the writers have unfortunately bought the lie that since RELIGION has been shown to be false, God must not exist. Satan has done a good job turning the precious truth of Jesus … Read More

Cabalist-Judaism In The Church? – FALLEN ANGEL/HUMAN HYBRID SERIES – PT 9

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal I recently read an article on Texe Marrs’ site properly identifying Freemasonry as Cabalist-Judaism (which is satanism), but when I followed a link in the article it segued onto the topic of the Nephilim, referring to the “Biblical” story of fallen angels intermarrying with human women and … Read More

Blood Moons, Shemitahs and Feasts

HHA | Original post date 3/10/2015 | UPDATED 10/13/2015 In all Jonathan Cahn’s “prophecies” and “mysteries”, I have heard nothing about repentance, holiness, purity, righteousness, justice, denying self, and many other good and honorable things that are required in preaching the true gospel. It seems wherever you go in church circles … Read More


Update Feb 24, 2014 – In the wake of Billy Graham’s death, a Google search produces an oddly sparce number of articles addressing the questionable nature of the high profile evangelist. In fact, on the morning of Feb 24, there were only three in the first three pages of a … Read More


ABOUT THIS SITE In January 2011, during surgery to remove a large benign meningioma (brain tumor), I awoke to myself in another realm. It was a glorious place unlike I anything I’d ever known. What I had is popularly called a “Near Death Experience” (NDE). After my illness and the experience … Read More

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