Many people ask “What scientific research has been done on the radiation from small cell wireless facilities? What is the current scientific opinion of the scientists who are studying the issue?”
The video below is testimony by a 36 year old man who developed cancer in his neck after twenty years of cell phone use. He is testifying to halt small cell deployment in California.

The answer is that the scientists studying the health effects of 5G and wireless radiation are deeply concerned and are calling for a halt to the rollout of 5G and a halt to increasing radiofrequency radiation exposures to the public.
Please see on this page a short list of letters from expert scientists, doctors and public health experts sent to government officials regarding the issue of streamlining small cells in neighborhoods. In these letters scientists share the research supporting their opinion that wireless exposure to the public should be minimized and the deployment of small cell antennas into neighborhoods should be halted.
Many of these letters were written in response to the FCC’s Spectrum Frontiers and state bills such as California’s SB 649 that are streaming small cell deployment. (See a list of these US State Bills.)
If you have a PDF of a letter by a scientists that is missing from this list please send it to
Scientific FactSheets On 5G
US Factsheet on 5G and Small Cells in Color With Hyperlinks
US Factsheet on 5G and Small Cells in Black and White For Printing
International Factsheet on 5G and Small Cells in Color With Hyperlinks
International Factsheet on 5G and Small Cells in Black and White
Read a compilation of Doctors letters on cell towers near schools.
See a powerpoint presentation on cell towers and health.
Letter from Dr. Lennart Hardell To Governor Jerry Brown on SB649
Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, MD, PhD Lettter in Opposition to SB649
Letter from Dr. Martin Pall in Opposition to SB649
Attachment to Dr. Pall Letter – 142 Microwave Radiation Review Studies
Letter from Dr. Devra Davis to Chair Aguiar-Curry on SB 649, June 28, 2017
Letter from Dr. Devra Davis to Governor Jerry Brown on SB 649, September 17, 2017
Letter from Dr. Paul Ben Ishai in Opposition to SB 649, September 08, 2017
Letter from Dr. Cindy Russell in opposition to SB649
Letter from Physicians For Safe Technology in opposition to SB649
Article from Dr. Cindy Russell on Impacts of 5G Technology, January 2017
Letter from Dr. Joel Moskowitz To Governor Jerry Brown on SB649
Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, MD, PhD Lettter in Opposition to SB649
Letter from Dr. Hugh Scully to the City of Toronto
Letter from Dr. Stephen Sinatra to Toronto City Councilors in Opposition to Item 26.21
Letter from Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft, Canada
Ellie Marks Letter to Governor Brown SB 649
Letter from the Alliance of Nurses for Health Environments
Letter from Environmental Working Group June 26, 2017
Letter from Environmental Working Group July 26, 2017
8/20 National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy Letter to Appropriations Committee
8/21 National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy Letter to Assembly
8/24 National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy Letter to Governor Brown.
Letter from the Sierra Club, August 15, 2017
Letter from Greenlining Institute, June 27, 2017
Letter from the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), July 19, 2017
Letter From EMF Safety Network and Ecological Options Network, July 06, 2017
Letter by Susan Foster Assembly Appropriations Letter – Fire Station Exemption from SB 649, August 14, 2017
Letter from Susan Foster and Radiation Research Trust in of Opposition of SB649, June 22, 2017
Scientists For Wired Technology, 5/30/17: front and back
Scientists For Wired Technology 5/31/17:front and back
American Planning Association Opposes SB 649
Berkeley City Council Opposition Letter, April 25, 2017
Comments by Ronald M. Powell, PhD, to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers
Comments by Dr. Albert Manville to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers, July 14, 2016
Comments by Dr. Joel Moskowitz to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers, July 20, 2016
Comments by Dr. Yael Stein to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers, July 09, 2016
Comments by Dr. Devra Davis to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers
Comments by Susan Clarke to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers, July 14, 2016
Comments by EMF Scientist Appeal Advisors to the FCC on Spectrum Frontiers, June 09, 2017
Please click here for a large PDF of Letters by Scientists and Doctors on Small Cells and 5G