
The Secret History of False Flag Terror

February 14th, 2018 brought another mass media event; the Florida High School shooting, with the death toll currently being reported at over 17. The question on the minds of many is whether this is another false flag event. I am skeptical of any mass event that dominates the media and … Read More

Vaccine Ingredient (hCG) in Kenya Raises Concern

Is it the right of the World Health Organization (WHO), or anyone else to inject women with un-consented birth control/abortion/infertility drugs? A recent Scientific Research article voices concern about a WHO vaccine doing just that in Kenya. (abstract below). This falls in line with “overpopulation” propaganda: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. … Read More

Critically Examining the Moon Landing

“ How can NASA recover from this? – part 1 :… How can NASA recover from this? – part 2 :… How can NASA recover from this? – part 3 :…

Rabbi Mintz: Goyim are Inferior to Jews (Video)

Saboteur 365 |  February 8, 2018 Youtube title: Does the Torah View Goyim as Inferior to Jews? Yes! Says Rabbi Mintz! Two and a half minutes. Zionist Report Published on Feb 5, 2018 Oy Vey! ‘Pogroms, Inquisitions, and Holocausts’ — “we are the eternal victims and ‘God’s Chosen People!’” This Rabbi conflates … Read More

Eric Dubay Claims Jesus Christ Never Existed

Using “evidences” from Peter Joseph’s Zeitgeist film, flat earther, Eric Dubay, recently posted a video boldly claiming that Jesus Christ never existed. Eric Dubay has posted a great deal of flat earth truth, truth that has led many, once they saw their way clear of the “outer space” deception, to embrace the existence of … Read More

Florida School Massacre Proves Police Are Worthless In Protecting Us | Gun Control

By Chuck Baldwin March 1, 2018 The redundant mantra of gun grabbers is “It’s the job of the police to protect us,” or “Only professional law enforcement officers are qualified to protect us,” or “Citizens should not bear arms because it’s the job of policemen to protect us,” or statements … Read More

Geoengineering “Truth” Movement – A Mixed Bag

The very term “Geoengineering” assumes that we live on a globe orbiting a distant radiation-emitting sun from which we need to be protected. In yet another example of Hegel’s dialectic, the following article from Technocracy News offers a battle between “evil  Scientists” on the one hand and their more truthful counterparts (the ones who acknowledge the spraying frenzy in the … Read More

Iron Sky – Flat Earth?

“If you understand that [operation] paperclip … and all these occult technologies that we brought over […] [They were getting their information] from the demonic realm. They were occultists; The order of Black Sun and all […] that they were doing in the Nazi/occult circles […] Where is the confusion? Why does … Read More

Nobody Died at Sandy Hook

(Amazon made a lame excuse to ban this book) Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill designed to promote the NWO agenda. (Gun control, enslavement) How long is the public going to tolerate treason by their elected officials and media? “Among its revelations is the discovery of the 21-page FEMA manual for … Read More

When is the Truth not the Truth?

…When it’s incomplete. Deborah Travares is back. As the web admin of, I worked to expose these crimes for several years. But in this, like so many videos, we’re offered only fear and bad news, the message seems to be, “people need to wake up,” “we’re toast,” “there’s no … Read More

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