
Society Controlled by Christmas-Hating Satanic Cult

December 23, 2017  Like a scorpion that paralyses its victim’s mental faculties,  the Illuminati have convinced Christians that celebrating Christ’s birth is in bad taste. Every year Christmas fades further from public consciousness.  Latest –  Jewish Author Boasts of Jewish Role in “Secularizing” Christmas Even “The War Against Christmas” debate is gone this year. Instead, there is … Read More

Horus Ruins Christmas

HHA | 12/2/2014 Some Christmas fun from Lutheran Satire: “Horus Ruins Christmas.” STR | Solid Ground |  JULY 2007 There is a reason the ancient historical accounts of the life of Jesus of Nazareth do not start with the phrase, “Once upon a time….” On the face of it, the authors … Read More

Santa Claus and Magic Mushrooms

Atlantean Conspiracy | Eric Dubay Have you ever wondered why on Christmas we cut down/carry evergreen trees inside our houses, decorate them with fancy ornaments, and place presents underneath them? “So, why do people bring Pine trees into their houses at the Winter Solstice, placing brightly colored (Red and White) … Read More


A friend recently sent me a link to a (yet another) new book about near death experiences (NDE’s): “God and the Afterlife” by Jeffrey Long. I wasn’t surprised to find that it offers the same misleading perspective on NDE’s that I’ve encountered almost exclusively . My near death experience is … Read More

MSM Reports On Military Directed Microwave Weapons

First we were presented (ad nauseum) with reports by the MSM, that commercial airliners, hijacked by “terrorists” had flown into the twin towers causing them to collapse. As that story began to unravel, in came the “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth” with their “thermite, controlled demolition” explanation. Upon closer examination, that … Read More

What is Meant by “Israel”? William Hendriksen

While many Christians are celebrating political, British Israel, some even taking it a step further to embrace the “Hebrew Roots” teachings, (which is modern Judaizing, Gal 3:1-9) there’s an ugly anti-Semitic sentiment on the rise, evidenced by Eric Dubay’s sympathy for Hitler and a recent “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville. … Read More


Jon Rappaport Note: I’m reprinting a piece I wrote about a year ago. In it, you’ll see a CIA mind-control document that calls for drugs fulfilling certain specific requirements. OPIOIDS SATISFY A NUMBER OF THESE REQUIREMENTS PERFECTLY. “Long ago, I interviewed John Marks, author of Search for the Manchurian Candidate, … Read More

Judaism Hates Christianity – Leon de Poncins

Since there’s a lot of confusion on the subject of Israel, the article below should be preempted with a distinction and clarification of terms: The distinction is that, while I support Flat Earth cosmology, “Flat Earth Truthers” Eric Dubay, and more recently, Youtuber, World History Official, are promoting a disturbing neo-Nazi sentiment. … Read More

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