
Alchemy, the Process that turns Men into Political Christs and Gods

…and Transhumanism; “The Abomination that Causes Desolation” Mk 13:14, is their ultimate goal… We are in, as Renette says, “the end of the end of days”. Visit Renette’s site for full article with numerous references and links. Secret Societies Control the Rise and Fall of Empires – Part 8 by Renette Vermeulen … Read More

1931 Scientist Who Saw The Plane Disc Professor Auguste A. Piccard

Here’s the link to the August 1931 edition of Popular Science:  Some interesting scriptures: Ezekiel 1:22 – “Over (“al“) the heads of the living creatures there was the likeness of an expanse, shining like awe-inspiring crystal, spread out above their heads.” ESV Rev 15:2 – “And I saw something like … Read More

Censored By News With Views

Chuck Baldwin has left News With Views. His outspoken position against the acceptance of the political state of Israel won him an official disclaimer last month, which I mentioned briefly when posting his last article. Here is the disclaimer that was on News With Views: [NOTE: The opinion in this article … Read More

This Is Not Going To End Well

by Chuck Baldwin People who voted for Donald Trump were voting for change. For that matter, that’s what the people who voted for Barack Obama were voting for in 2008. But Obama changed nothing, and it looks like Trump won’t either. At least not the things that really matter. Trump … Read More

Healthcare Bill Defeated: The World Ends

By Jon Rappoport Reuters: “In the past few years, the House has voted more than 60 times to repeal or alter Obamacare, but Republicans had no hope a repeal would become law as long as Obama was president and could veto their bills.” But now that the new version of … Read More

MUST WATCH! Cellphone Safety Hits Mainstream

As new science fuels the debate about cellphone safety, we take a closer look at a little known message inside your cellphone’s settings and manual telling you to keep the device 5 to 15 mm away from your body. We ask why this message exists, why it’s so hidden, and … Read More

Categories emf

Judaism is a School of Magic (Witchcraft)

“If the world doesn’t make sense (i.e. Pedogate, ISIS, fake news, gaslighting, migration, ff terror, demonizing Russia & gender), it may be that society is under a magic spell, which I equate with Satanic possession.” – Henry Makow * Francis is a Voodoo adept who describes the true esoteric character of Judaism.* “Any ritual … Read More

Surveillance? – What Surveillance?

Mar 24, 2017 by Ronnie Herne | Part 2 Of 2 SMILE !!   YOU’RE ON TRAPWIRE CAMERA!!   They are everywhere….. So, where were we?  Right!  Being spied on at every turn!  Let’s continue… TEN WAYS YOU’RE SPIED ON Click the link above and count the ways:  Computer keyboards, laptop emanations, cell phone … Read More


HAMPSTEAD UNCOVERED a SGT Report documentary interview. To support Ella Draper’s ongoing battle to locate and reunite with her children Alisa & Gabriel, visit her and donate HERE: Free the Hampstead 2 – Indiegogo… And/or help fund Ella on Patreon:

David Rockefeller, Dead at 101

Veterans Today  | by Kevin BarrettDavid Rockefeller, founder of the  Trilateral Commission and confessed conspirator against the American republic, died today at the age of 101.Chief spokesman for the web of oil and banking interests that dominate the Western Deep State, Rockefeller’s tombstone should feature the following two quotes as … Read More

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