
Twelfth holistic doctor found dead, alleged suicide – See more at:

Erin Elizabeth | Healthnut News I never wanted to write a twelfth article. After writing the eleventh about our colleague: prominent Holistic oncologist, Mitch Gaynor MD in NYC, I was truly hoping that it would be the last. I’d recently read his book as he’d sent us advanced copies. My better half … Read More

Compulsory Adult Vaccines in California

Oct 15, 2015 Gov. Jerry Brown has signed SB 792 a bill to further strengthen California’s mandatory vaccine laws by requiring that adults who work or volunteer at day care centers be vaccinated. A violation of the act is a crime. The Democratic governor announced Sunday that he approved a bill requiring day care … Read More

Sesame Street rolls out autistic muppet

(NaturalNews) In yet another sickening example of the absolute mental derangement of modern society, Sesame Street has rolled out its first autistic muppetnamed “Julia,” says the Sesame Street website The rollout of autistic Julia is Sesame Street’s attempt to “normalize” vaccine injuries and depict those victimized by vaccines as happy, “amazing” children … Read More

Heads Up! NASA Experiment Off East Coast Lights Up the Sky Like Project Blue Beam NASA is launching tests of some new tech that will include releasing colorful vapor tracers 130 miles above the Earth. It sounds like it’s going to be a lot like Project Blue Beam. The vapors will be ejected from a sounding rocket launched from Wallops Flight Facility in … Read More

Lithium and the Experiment over Oregon

September 28, 2015 | From The Trenches | Ann Fillmore, PhD In January 2015, I began receiving reports by email, telephone and over Facebook of very specific symptoms from very specific locations under very specific spraying activity throughout Oregon. From my experience as a counselor, having had to do an internship for … Read More

PROOF of Hurricane Control, Bahamas, Bermuda, oct 2015

This is an amazing video! It shows ABSOLUTE PROOF, of Hurricane control, using the classified Ionospheric Heater technology. Hurricane Joaquin was deliberately steered into the Bahamas, and then, to Bermuda. These island nations are not paying the Wall Street gangsters their Hurricane protection money, so the corrupt US Military commanders … Read More

Jesus and the Talmud

When Christians think of the Jewish religion, we think mostly about the Mosaic Law or the Pentateuch, the Torah which is sacred to Christianity. We consider the Mosaic law to have been a “shadow” of things to come, which were fulfilled through the gospel by Jesus Christ. In that way there is congruity … Read More

Austria – Third World Invasion: Eyewitness Description, September 5, 2015

The New Observer An eye-witness account from Kamil Bulonis, a Polish travel blog writer, who was present on the Italian-Austrian border on September 5, 2015, as swarms of Third World nonwhites  poured across the border to invade Austria and Germany (A translation from Polish):  (Please note: all pictures from the Hungarian-Austrian border) “Half … Read More

(Internet Freedom) TPP Leaked Document Review: What will this mean for the people

  Every part of this TPP agreement was created to benefit Corporate interests and with Corporate input. That means they were privy to what the details were within this agreement! So why was this document meant to be kept hidden from the American People without any input whatsoever? Because, this … Read More

Aerosol Crimes & Disinformation Experts: Characteristics of the Vipers

  Fig 1 Nashville – Oct 15, 2015 In this excellent article, Greg Pallen exposes the methods used by disinformationists to keep the public divided and unable to stop what is being perpetrated against them. These time proven tactics are being used across the board by the elite, be it … Read More

Conspiracy Against Jews – Zionism

Henry Makow  In 1935 the steamer “Tel Aviv” made its maiden voyage from Nazi Germany to Haifa with Hebrew letters on its bow and a Nazi flag fluttering from its mast. The Captain of the Zionist-owned ship was a member of the Nazi Party. A passenger described the spectacle as a “metaphysical absurdity.” … Read More


This article examines the claims of the “Shemitah” at length and is also included on the page: Blood Moons and Shemitahs Deception. The Mystery Of The Shemita: Is It Real? Bible Integrity The Mystery of the Shemitah by Jonathan Cahn (Lake Mary, Florida: FrontLine, Charisma Media / Charisma House Book … Read More

Bilderberg, Babylon, Agenda 21

Paul McGuire | The story of ancient Babylon and the Tower of Babel is an historical account of the world’s first one world government, one world economic system, and one world religion. Most people in our world who have been indoctrinated into what could be termed a “scientific materialist” worldview … Read More

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