
Was Jesus Real?

I’ve found that “Truthers”, (and by truthers I mean those who are asking the hard questions and exposing the covert agenda of the ruling elite), generally fall into one of two groups of spiritual belief: There are Christians and there is a popularly growing new Spirituality or “Consciousness” group. More … Read More


    And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. John 6:35 There is absolutely nothing more important in life than being born again of the Spirit of God; to … Read More

One Word Can Make A Difference

Doc Marquis Selah! One word, a very simple word that has a profoundness which few people realize. Selah is a word that is found 74 times in the Old Testament; 71 times in the Book of Psalms and 3 times in the Book of Habakkuk. Selah mean: to pause,consider. When it’s … Read More

Cris Putnam – Supernatural Wordview Interview

Cris Putnam discusses his book “Supernatural Worldview” with Gary Stearman of Prophecy In The News. Cris brilliantly examines the western church’s disconnect between professed faith and a literally supernatural dimension. I think this is a very important topic for the days we are living in. See Cris’ site: Supernatural Wordview


HHA | 11/17/2014 Paul McGuire | 11/17/2014 | There is a convergence of unprecedented events coming to America and the world that will go into a kind of hyper-drive in 2015 or soon after. It is difficult to set exact dates because there are various forces which can change the dynamic. … Read More

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