

In this 2016 article, Ryan Christian shows that the government has admitted their intent to modify the weather. While that’s a far cry from disclosing the full agenda behind chemtrails, it effectively dispels the “conspiracy theory” label. Still, the average person continues to find it unthinkable that the government would … Read More

D.C. Council Member Warns about Weather Modification – Draws Accusations of “Hate Speech” | Khazarian Jews ARE the Swamp

You’ve probably read about the backlash D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. received for comments he made about weather modification and the Rothschilds. Here’s a transcript of the video clip below: “Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, … Read More

When is the Truth not the Truth?

…When it’s incomplete. Deborah Travares is back. As the web admin of, I worked to expose these crimes for several years. But in this, like so many videos, we’re offered only fear and bad news, the message seems to be, “people need to wake up,” “we’re toast,” “there’s no … Read More

5G: Cancer, Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Cell Tower, Wireless Radiation Health Effects

By this time most of us have heard about the UN’s Agenda 21 / Sustainability Agenda that largely amounts to depopulation, however outrageous that might sound. It comes to mind when the news reports a big flu epidemic or “natural” disaster, and certainly, that concern is justified, but by slight of hand, depopulation … Read More

WHAT IS TRUTH? Can Scholars Change Our Understanding of Current Events?

“Truth” is increasingly being seen as relative, unknowable and, perhaps most disturbing; irrelevant. This is not new of course, as Pontius Pilate is so famously quoted at Jesus’ trial, “What is truth?!” (Jn 18:38). While Pilate was talking about spiritual truth, “truth” in general,  has been manipulated by the enemy and the powers that … Read More

“Smart” Technology = Government Surveillance

“Smart” is nothing but a clever marketing word for technology that facilitates government surveillance. The White House understands the realities of smart phones. We should too. Wikileaks ( Analysis CIA malware targets iPhone, Android, smart TVs CIA malware and hacking tools are built by EDG (Engineering Development Group), a software development group within … Read More

Congress Holds Hearings on Weather Manipulation

The lies facilitated by heliocentricism are unending. Here’s some congressional clownery about “mitigating human caused climate change” and “protecting us” from that great big star 93,000,000 miles away. The bright side is that chemtrails aren’t just a “conspiracy theory” anymore.  Aircrap Weather modification just jumped from “chemtrail” conspiracy theory into mainstream reality, as … Read More

Vegas Shooting: Concert Workers’ Phone-Footage Wiped Clean by FBI

This story (below) carried by Infowars, a known disinformation site, adds to the mounting evidence that these horrible false flag events and UNnatural disasters… murders (even if no one died at the Las Vegas shooting, several people died afterward) are being exposed by the very powers that are responsible for them. Historically, … Read More

Mysterious Strangelets… (Anthony Patch, Quantum Deception & Twain’s Simulation Gospel…)

What about the quantum entanglement that Jim Carey and modern “prophecy experts” are talking about? Should we be afraid that they will eventually be able to completely control our every thought, our very consciousness? Youtuber Truth is Stranger than Fiction explains why this is nonsense. “[If] you think that they actually are … Read More

NASA Plans For 2025 Actual Documents Revealed

SHOCKING NASA DEEP STATE PLANS FOR 2025 DEPOPULATION CULLING ACTUAL DOCUMENTS REVEALED! from Kerry Fritz II on Vimeo. The document itself is startling, though, as are some others I came across in my archives when I was looking for this one. [gview file=””] ( Again, given some technologies the Air Force has … Read More

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