
Mass Mind Control Through Network Television: Are Your Thoughts Your Own?

Experiments conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman reveal that when a person watches television, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the seat of logical thought. Here, information is broken down into its component parts and critically analyzed. The right brain, however, treats incoming … Read More

Trump | Climate Change – Where Is Honest Journalism Amidst False Climate Change Propaganda? With predictions of economic and environmental doom resulting from Donald Trump’s decision to opt out of the Paris Climate Change agreement, media continues to present man-made “Climate Change” as “Undisputed” while the elephant in the room continues to be currently ongoing geoengineering programs, the single greatest cause of severe weather and “man-made” climate … Read More

Predictive Programming Preparing Us For What’s To Come

We’re led to believe that television was created merely for our entertainment (and to make a little money for the producers of movie and television productions), but here are a few things to challenge that idea, including the idea that 9/11 was carried out by “terrorists”. These videos present examples of  definitive, blatant … Read More

Introduction to News By The Numbers

For all who still think the nightly news is provided to inform the public about what is going on in the world. Narrow Gate Web Due to ever-increasing amount of false flags and propaganda being spewed out by the mainstream media I’ve decided to do the obvious and reasonable thing, … Read More

The Evangelical Church is Extension of the Luciferian NWO

(Rick Warren’s Saddleback church in Lake Forest CA) The small community church in your neighborhood has now been supplanted by the tri-county Mega Church. Essentially, your local church has been, “put out of business”. How ? By not offending seekers and discussing topics like homosexuality, abortion, feminism or national sovereignty.  by … Read More

Worldwide UV Radiation Index Off the Charts

Ultraviolet Light (UV) is radiated light from the Sun. Man-made toxicity through aerosol spraying, (used to control weather [see CHEMTRAILS category on this site for documentation], but the real agenda is much bigger), is turning our atmosphere into a “plasma” which is increasing UV to dangerous levels. We need to protect … Read More

Television as Mass Deception

With the advent of the popularity of television in the 1930s and 1940s, the banksters had an instrument through which the masses could be controlled effectively, immediately, and effortlessly.  British author, John Hamer says, “Television is by far the most devastating brainwashing device ever unleashed upon humanity.” Makow Comment-  Cabalist bankers whose religion is inverting reality were … Read More

“Even Hitler Did Not Use Chemical Weapons (On His Own People)” But The US Did (Does)

(above) American Government Chemical/Biological Attacks On Its Own Citizens, Waco 1993 The spectacle of the US manufacturing a gas attack by Al Assad was made all the more grotesque Tuesday when Sean Spicer said that “even Hitler did not use chemical weapons.” He meant on his own people. As a reader, Glen, … Read More


HAMPSTEAD UNCOVERED a SGT Report documentary interview. To support Ella Draper’s ongoing battle to locate and reunite with her children Alisa & Gabriel, visit her and donate HERE: Free the Hampstead 2 – Indiegogo… And/or help fund Ella on Patreon:

David Rockefeller, Dead at 101

Veterans Today  | by Kevin BarrettDavid Rockefeller, founder of the  Trilateral Commission and confessed conspirator against the American republic, died today at the age of 101.Chief spokesman for the web of oil and banking interests that dominate the Western Deep State, Rockefeller’s tombstone should feature the following two quotes as … Read More

Climate Change Comes Out of the Closet As Previously Cancelled Climate Change Conference Convenes

HHA | Yvonne Nachtigal | Feb 18, 2017 We’re continually told, by the UN and every mainstream news outlet that the ‘climate change’ (which we are assured is “settled science”) is the result of man’s horrendous effect on the environment. But at a news conference in Brussels last week , the executive … Read More

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