
Utility Company Callously Installs Smart Meter on Home of People With Health Vulnerabilities (My Husband and I)

As many of you know, my brain tumor battle in 2011 is what launched the journey culminating in this website. That journey once again became very personal this week as I battled a smart meter installation on our home. I’ve spent the past two weeks contacting senators, government agencies, professionals … Read More

Citizens Successful in STOPPING Smart Meter Installation on Their Home!

My friends in Arizona recently received the following notice from their utility company stating that all meters must be replaced by smart meters. [gview file=””]   But when they contacted the utility company they were told that they had been “Corporate Blue Lined” and that a meter would never be installed on their home. Why? In 2008 … Read More

The Dark Side of Smart Meters

In this presentation to the San Francisco Tesla Society, consulting engineer Rob States explains how so-called ‘smart’ meters work and why they endanger health and privacy. In the video below, watch how one company, “ONZO” plans to monetize the data collected from smart meters: For more info:  … Read More

Can New 5G Technology and Smart Meters be Used as Weapons?

by John P. Thomas Health Impact News Promoted as beneficial technology for electric consumers and marketed to satisfy the public’s never-ending demand for faster internet communication, the combination of the new 5G microwave technology and smart meters might just become an all-in-one weapons and surveillance system. This technology, when fully implemented, … Read More

MUST WATCH!! “Take Back Your Power!” Smart Meter Documentary

Visit the Mercola Video Library Story at-a-glance The smart grid promised to enhance energy security and reduce energy usage. In reality, 80 percent of households that have received a smart meter report increases on their utility bill Thousands of people complain of health problems developing shortly after receiving a smart … Read More

Wheels Magically Come Off Seattle “Smart” Meter Rollout; City Utility Exposed As Corrupt

By Rebecca Em Campbell Below is the official video of the Seattle City Council’s Select Committee on Seattle City Light’s Strategic Plan 2017-2022 held on July 14, 2016 chaired by Seattle’s Celebrity Socialist, Kshama Sawant. This meeting very fortunately featured the new council woman’s majority minus one member. To save time … Read More

Victoria, Australia Smart Meters Health Damages Case Study Published And What To Know To Protect Yourself

Activist Post | Catherine Frompovich | 2/26/16 Since public utility companies everywhere and states public utility commissions in the USA are behind the times and not up to date with regard to electromagnetic hypersensitivity issues stemming from microwave technologies, perhaps utility customers could email this article to them. Why? Because it documents … Read More

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