
“OPERATION SOROS”: Anti-Trump False Flag Protests

Social media is ablaze with people calling for either protest against Trump’s election, or shame against the violent actions of the protesters. Of course what we are seeing is more false flag activity, funded at least in part by an organization dubbed “Operation Soros” by a group in Macedonia who have organized to “fight against … Read More

NASA’s Project Blue Beam – NWO – Full Version

Very good explanation of Project Blue Beam. Here is a link also that covers Serge Monast’s research: Project Blue Beam People will need to decide for themselves what Project Blue Bean is or is not and what it will be used for (if it’s not already in use). Disneyland’s Fantasmic keeps … Read More

Categories NWO

Yes Virginia, There is a Masonic Jewish Conspiracy

  (Above, Even Santa conceals something sinister) Recently, I was thinking back to the days when we would go Christmas caroling with other families from church. Maybe you remember too. Another excellent article by Henry Makow. For the record, I believe that it is part of the cabal’s agenda to expose the … Read More

How the New World Order is Hijacking Civilization | by Dr Peter Hammond Constructive Chaos The New World Order has used wars, economic depressions, recessions and population control to undermine Western civilization and bring about their Globalist Agenda. Demographic Engineering Through aggressive population control tactics, promoting birth control, abortion, sterilizations and massive propaganda of “Overpopulation” the globalists … Read More

FBI Director Says He Covers His Webcam — And That You Should Too

Activist Post | By Josie Wales FBI Director James Comey spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington earlier this week to discuss the importance of cybersecurity. During the discussion, Assistant Attorney General John Carlin asked Comey if he still had his webcam covered with tape, a question referencing previous statements … Read More

OBAMA: America Must Surrender Sovereignty, Embrace One World Government

Blacklisted News | Kurt Nimmo Earlier this week Barack Obama delivered his final United Nations speech. In addition to praising the bankster loan shark operations run out of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, Obama called for “global integration,” code for a one-world government. “I believe that at … Read More

NGOs: Choice Tool Of Subversion For The New World Order

Activist Post | By Makia Freeman NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) have become quite the choice tool of subversion, destabilization and domination for the US-led New World Order. As the recent Soros hack has shown, the US (in particular) has embarked on a cunning strategy of infiltration in its foreign policy. On the surface, NGOs appear as benign, helpful and, … Read More

Coming ‘Utopia’ Ruled By Noahide Laws

What Ted Pike presents here is well researched and vital to understand in order to grasp the NWO agenda. The Pharisaic Jews were looking for a Messiah to reign over an earthly kingdom. The New World Order is that kingdom, and the “millennial reign” of futurist eschatology is the planned earthly reign … Read More

A Threat To All Humanity

By Chuck Baldwin  | July 28, 2016 When it comes to constitutional government, the whole left-right, conservative-liberal, Republican-Democrat, even Christian-secular paradigms are, for the most part, an illusion. Over most of the last century, conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, and Christians and secularists have collectively jettisoned constitutional government in favor of … Read More

The Indoctrination Of Our Children Into The “Climate Change” Agenda

This is nothing less than Hitler’s youth all over again. The indoctrination of children has long been used as a means of engineering social change toward dictatorship. This is as blatant as it is disturbing. [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”0 or 1″] “For all David Suzuki’s folksy rhetoric and supposed … Read More

Jews: The Unloved People

It seems like Christians are given only two positions about the Jews. 1) To unconditionally support the state of Israel as the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy 2) To reject political Israel, recognize it as part of the New World Order deception and be labeled antisemitic, (even though we’re not)  In … Read More

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