
Full TPP Documents now revealed! Available for download below!kIV1XYKC!ChnfpPd9W……… Also: TPP – Beginning of the Dark Ages | TPP Treaty: Intellectual Property Rights Chapter – 5 October 2015  Every part of this TPP agreement was created to benefit Corporate interests and with Corporate input. That means they were privy to what the details were within this … Read More

Was the United States Created to Advance Global Tyranny?

The quotes presented in this article should cause the thinking person to reconsider what they’ve been taught and think they understand about US History as well as the current fascination in the church with Judaism (Hebrew Roots/Harbinger/Shemitah…). Illuminati Created the US to Advance NWO You blind guides. You strain out … Read More

A Project Monarch Welcome to Mexico for the Pope?

  The symbolism in this Welcome to Mexico for the Pope is quite disturbing to anyone who knows anything about Monarch Mind Control. Obvious to the average person are the appearance of “demons” on the backs of the monarch butterfly costumes worn by the children. According to the article (link … Read More

Agenda 21

Originally posted on ByeByeBlueSky ROSE KOIRE – AUTHOR OF BEHIND THE GREEN MASK, OPEN MIND CONFERENCE United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development The interlocking agendas of chemtrails, HAARP, genentically modified foods, fluoridated water and Agenda 21 are all incentives to control and subjugate the populous to the whims of the Global … Read More

Albert Pike III World Wars

I find it amazing how accurately these words depict what we currently see going on. The manufactured hatred of Islam through CIA funded acts of terrorism and the it’s demonization by the MSM and Christian groups alike. We need to pay closer attention. The media and it’s sway of public … Read More

Warned Against Sharing This Microscopic Analysis of US Artificial Snow – See What the DOD is HIDING!

UPDATE… EVERY MICROSCOPIC IMAGE IN THIS VIDEO WAS TAKEN BY ME. EVERY IMAGE IS OF THE CONTENTS IN THIS ARTIFICIAL SNOW, GLEANED FROM FROZEN SAMPLES. My government scientist sources have confirmed, even before I proved it with these ghastly images, that this “SNOW” is ARTIFICIAL. See what is in this … Read More

What are Chemtrails and How Are They Harming Our Food and Water?

The Truth About Cancer | Ty Bolinger Just when you thought Monsanto was under wraps, you find out they’re up to something even more horrific. What’s even worse is that it all started a long time ago! In the late 1960s Monsanto supported the secret Muad’ Dib Geoengineering Lab to develop“chemtrail” technology; … Read More

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